
So its able to be placed on top of the tank OR next to the toilet???? What a versatile product! How were they able to engineer that??
If Gran Torino was supposed to be a comedy then it was fantastic. Who knew Clint Eastwood spewing rapidfire obscenities and racial slurs in Christian Bale's Batman voice would be so hilarious? I have a hard time believing Gran Torino was a serious movie but if it was... wow, really?
Didn't this Letterman thing happen like a week ago? This outrage really delayed.
You of all people should recognize Soulja Boy as a true American hero.
For the record, I'm not a conservative, I'm a moderate independent. My political posts are what happens when someone who says they are a moderate independent is ACTUALLY a moderate independent (rather than a radical liberal who thinks they are rational, level-headed individuals who objectively listen to both sides of every issue and just happen to ALWAYS agree with the radical liberal viewpoint). That said, I tend to be sort of an asshole when playing the devil's advocate online, so a good portion of any down-voting I receive is probably warranted. Whatever.
Everything you just wrote is incredibly ignorant. To suggest that being a Christian is somehow equal to supporting torture and bigotry is absurd. Its unfortunate that you and many others feel the need to every political and religious debate into a battle of who can make the most ridiculous sweeping generalizations because it prevents anyone from having a real, constructive dialogue. Most christians are not going to take you seriously if you approach them with shit like "you like jesus therefore you also support waterboarding and rush limbaugh" just liek you would never take someone seriously who comes at you with something like "you are liberal therefore you are on drugs and support communism and dead babies." In short, get your head out your ass.
im pretty sure no youtube video has or ever will be better than this one.
This is probably my worst conflict. That and Lou Reed -> Jane's Addiction vs. Snoop Dog -> The Killers.
cant wait to see booker t and the dbts at taste of chicago!
I dunno... blowjob or something...
AOTY so far for me is probably Passion Pit. As usual, Pitchfork favorites (this year its Grizzly Bear, Animal Collective, Dirty Projectors) are either awful or completely unremarkable. I don't get their taste. They must be really boring people to be moved by such boring music.
Dude Neil Pert is like so awesome dude like woah. Trust me on this, I've been playing drums for 38 years.
Seconded! That movie was HORRIBLE, and that fact was only accentuated by the obscene amount of A-list stars in it.
Oh were there funny jokes in that movie? I must have been too distracted by Mos Def's mongoloid delivery and the horrible plot which seemed to have been developed by YouTube comments. Oh, and all the unfunny jokes.
Be Kind Rewind is, off the top of my head, the worst movie I have ever seen. I nominate that.
I went to Purdue, which was a very conservative college. But my and your personal experiences aren't what this ad is directed toward. Its directed toward parents who are afraid their children are going to be unwittingly led into abandoning their values and adopting unhealthy radical views while away at college. It happens. A lot.
The purpose of this organization is not to deny students an education or hinder their ability to think critically, its to prepare students for some of the ridiculous liberal ideology that is force-fed to college students around the country. Its not to promote ignorance, its to teach kids that just because their liberal professors and naive friends may promote damaging lifestyle habits and liberal-leaning views about politics, religion, and the world, they should feel no obligation to adopt these views and should keep in mind their upbringing and personal values when making decisions. I don't see a problem with that. It is much preferable to the idiots who go to college for one semester and all of a sudden are hateful, shortsighted agnostic communists whose favorite activities include righteous indignation and trite marijuana-influenced rants about religion and politics.