
Me too, Stu. Now we can comment to one another in solidarity. I'm around episode 8. See you in the comments with tardy conspiracy theories of what's going to happen next!
The one where they remake Back to the Future ('cause 80's nostalgia, duh) but they travel back to stop the snake from tempting Adam and Eve, but then eat the fruit themselves so that there can be remake-sequels.
I like that song. Do you guys like that song?
My mother-in-law loves to say "pho-toe" in regard to getting a picture taken. I the opposite of love (the internet might say "indifference" is the word I'm looking for here, but it's actually "hate") to hear it. KCC's pronouncement of curtain makes me feel the same way.
In my time here on earth, I have trod (rolled?) many a rollerskating rink. This statement is true. In fact, I may or may not have become this guy. Minus the smooth.
Talk about unfair! How do we know he was referring to Boehner???
Observe, esp. attached video:
-Chet Haze and facetaco
You guys, The Land Before Time X is instant streaming on Netflix!
Jeremy Piven buys $500+ of baby gear to make a dumb joke:
Now THAT'S news you can use!
Seriously, can we talk about how many non-stories are getting written by the internets?!?!? Actually, I think that might've been the whole point of HWUWTG...
Is it ok that I didn't feel the least bit guilty about how hard I laughed at the "Something bad happened downtown" joke?
Mrs. Dish and I are into season 3 of the Wire and we are both riveted by it. We literally stop facebooking for the whole hour if you can believe it! (We often joke that if we want to talk to each other, we'll just do it fb chat...:( ["Great social commentary, Dish!" - No one]) But, I think you're right. Most TV is not riveting. That's why Monsters errywhere get excited for Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, FNL, etc. They are shows worth being riveted to.
Avatar the Last Airbender was a magnificent series on Nickelodeon. I was pissed when Shyamalan screwed it up on the big screen.
I'd just like to say that I've been enjoying this new feature. Love, Dish
How anyone can find themselves scoffolding at this invention, I'll never know!
Featuring fun fat fights:
Baseball! That is all. Love, Dish
Now this is how internettin' should be done. All smiles.
Wasn't that kid on the NBA Slam Dunk Contest this year doing the same shtick for Blake Griffin? He must have the same manager as Betty White and the Black Eyed Peas.
Also great. If we listen to each other's hearts, we'll find we're never too far apart.
FYI, A Goofy Movie is in The Hunt for the Best Movie of All Time.
First, you post the Friday video. Now this. Don't you love us anymore, Gabe?
E.T. meets Outbreak meets Transformers? OK! Here's my $9.50!
I'm pretty sure this is Gabe's version of answering your exact question, SOG (because there have been many different iterations of the question along the way which all boil down to, why the hell are we reading this column?): "Although there was, and perhaps this is where Topher’s confusion originates, a certain detached bemusement aimed at the overall culture of celebrity obsessiveness in general." Listen to your father! Go to your room!
Just think of their feelings before you vote.
I don't want to come off as trying to apologize for this woman's poor choices in food so much as to point out that a more holistic view of a person is required than the one we so often seem to represent. Logic and reason seem to be the traits we applaud the most. And Character. Of course, I'm not really arguing anything too new either as the ideas of logos, pathos, and ethos have been around forever. I know the idea of the "purity of food that we intake" as well as the idea of the value of exercise are extremely popular right now, culturally speaking (esp. in a community like this one; again, not a bad thing, inherently). Those ideas both appeal to logic and character. But, there's an emotional buy-in that must take place as well in order for a true change to occur. And, unfortunately, in people, that doesn't always occur. Emotions (again, toward the idea of the "heart,' etc) are powerful influences that often times seem to sway action in a greater way than words, facts, information, might be able to do. Should we belittle someone who's emotions have outpaced their logic? Their character? Or should we embrace their humanity and recognize it within ourselves as something that we have done, too? Maybe not in eating or exercise. But, maybe in other ways that seem more trivial to us. Maybe they're more trivial because the culture isn't highlighting them. I'm not even sure what kinds of things they are. If I listed some, you probably would disagree as to whether or not they are important because often times, what one person considers to be important, another finds completely inane. For me, this whole discussion leans back to the idea that many assumptions of agreement are made herein. But those assumptions are not always correct. These feelings of agreement are based on the number of up or downvotes generated by a thumb icon...But don't worry, I know thumb icons are important, not inane. :) "I'm down with Aristotle, yo." -RIP Dish 01/20/2011
Your question is valid. I've been wrestling with it myself. I'm currently stuck on the idea that as an educated person of privilege, I have a hard time allowing for a worldview in which logic doesn't trump emotion. And when I say emotion, I don't mean any random feeling as much as I mean the "heart," the "gut" or the "soul." This video is a terrible example to argue the point I'm making within myself, but I'm trying to find value in the perspective of the person who's "heart" triumphs over their logic without simply writing them off internally as "stupid" or an "idiot." I have more to say. I'll be back.