
I'm late to the party. Just watched this, and I give it an A+ for the same reasons Kelly had. That little boy! He owned this movie. He turned into Rambo in the Santa shed with the whole dynamite reveal. Perfect. Definitely an old style kid's fairy tale complete with a dead parent and a smart adorable kid who saves the day and makes his sad dad happy. I give it seven thumbs up.
Merry Christmas Monsters! <3<3<3
Ahhhh! I'm going to a wedding on the Sunday after Christmas too!! And an engagement party on the Friday after Christmas!
Or if you're Kirk, a shoulder roll.
I had to close my eyes through much of that scene. Gross.
Kelly should never see this! The gigantic disgusting spider attack? Right?
That Billy and Amy Christmas Carol thing is a delight. Poor Amy! I'd be huffing and puffing too. Not a runner.
At a local elementary school concert last night, a 5th grade girl sang that for her mother who died of breast cancer 6 months ago. Not a dry eye in the house.
Maybe that guy is your gollum! He has sprung from your anger!! Those teens better watch out.
It's very cold out there today! But I got a lot done anyway even though everyone seemed to be driving very slowly.
We have one gift bag that's been in service for about 8 years now. Oh wow I think that makes me the queen of cheap.
Agreed. Someone's gonna dig him up. And he'll be looking for his dolly.
Oh wow guys my choral group is supposed to be singing a Christmas concert tonight, but instead I may be snowed in watching Fargo. Or the original Grinch show.
Heeeessss dreaming, of some brooowwwwnnnn baaacon Just like the treat he used to know.
It must be the other Kate. :(
These are all excellent suggestions! Think I'm going with the fake poo.
My birthday is coming up, so I get to legally open presents. My sister sent me some fancy bath oil, and my other sister got me some cool hot chocolate on a stick! You stir it into warm milk! Also my mom gave me an Amazon gift card. I'm not sure what I'll buy with that.
This is the beginning of the wrestling team's warm up "bridge" that you could only do if you were 17. The one where their back bends the wrong way? And it looks like they're Gumby?
Is it the Obamacare!?!?!
Selfie-Ann Catweazle. "Selfie-Ann! Enough of your attitude!"
I'll have to kidnap my husband to get him to watch this with me.
Noooooo! :( I mean, yes to the merry Thanksgiving, and a merry Thanksgiving to you!
Mmmm that sounds great. I bought some coconut oil the other day and substituted it for the butter in my brownies. Wow was that good. I baked them with some toasted coconut on top.
Today I made a CHOCOLATE pumpkin pie. There was some extra batter so I put it in a small dish to bake as a tester. It is spectacular. Just need to get some whipped cream.
I'm jealous that you're just seeing them for the first time. TNG was the best of the lot.
What a sweetie pie!
Or those shoes that light up when you walk.
Tell them you want $100,000 for 2% of your Socs corp.
Last night Carol Burnett got the Mark Twain award, and they showed a sketch from her show where she was a lady accused of murder going to see her lawyer, "Mr. F. Lee Bunny". It was Tim Conway dressed like a bunny. He said the F stands for "fluffy". It made me think of the adult baby sketch. Here's a link. Hope it works.
I've got tickets for Monday night in the theater!! In 3D!!!
Yay Mr. Tumnus! In the ball! And yay to all of the ballers. You guys are keepin' me happy. <3<3
Is this rap? Or a poetry slam? Just wondering out loud, up here on my cloud, can't decide whether to like or deride.
Oh yes I love Elf too. Three food groups lol.
I love this one too. Fun fact, in middle school, I played Scrooge's girlfriend who dumped him.