
totally unrelated but your boyfriend is the guy that took this photo. Following Randall Gay around waiting for the perfect moment to snap the perfect shot.
Oh my God me too! I was the only one in the theater who laughed when he said ENHANCE! It was like an Easter egg for monsters.
Someone give me a ticket, cause I am sooooo hard right now.
Needs more Willow if you ask me.
At 1:48, Rookie of the Year. The shit just got real
that makes 3 of us. I'll just have to settle for some zeldas pizza
I enjoyed the girl vampire being chased by werewolves to the music of Thom Yorke scene.
This Summer There Will Be 500 Days!
when did Corey Feldman adopt a british accent? *gasface*
well this shoots down my attempt to request a "whats up with Jai Rodriguez" weekly? post
Ghost had me at "wassup y'all"
hmm...ironic that his nose is the only thing not covered in white
Yea thats my magician! I hired him for my son's birhtday/halloween party last week
this is like my 2nd post, but i swear im a loyal reader @robb81