
I've got dibs on the bakery!! you won't find any burnt bread here.
I always think he's Jack Black wearing a blonde wig.
We should be lucky he doesn't also cut celebrities hair and nails on the side. Or does he?
Geordi approves.
Cyborg transformation almost compete.
Somewhere there's a hurdler ready to pull off the Tootsie Roll the next time they miss the jump.
I'll bring the piñata.
Can you imagine if The Skipper ever came across"Skip-It?" The world might implode.
They should have went with a remix of "No More Pink Slime Drama."
Is there any way we could deport him? He's really harshing my patriotic buzz.
I prefer using my old CD's as frisbees and nearly slicing anything that gets in its way.
Can they get Topher Grace to play Bill Gates? Throw on some hipster glasses and voila.
it wouldn't surprise me if he has his mother beheaded before The Starks get their ultimate revenge on the Lannisters. I don't expect Cersei to last through this season. Although I wouldn't mind a Cat vs. Cersei final battle royale!
How long until Robb lops off Joffrey's head and adds him to the spike collection?
"You've been kicked in the nuts!" *cue laugh track*
I have a sinking feeling she's right about this.
I'm surprised it took them this long to use the Britta Unfiltered joke. I'm still chuckling over that one!
Despite living in NYC and seeing street performers every 20 feet, this is one of the better acts I've seen, especially performed by just one dude.
wow. his right arm grew back?
*slowly rocking back and forth in the corner* We're back? woo hoo!!!!
Just think how much more efficient Rosie would be if she had this installed.
He should meet up with that coffee making baby.
The kickassness of the above aforementioned film. I get giddy around all comic book movies.
every piece of marketing and promotional footage for this movie has been abysmal. between the horrible photoshopping of the teaser poster to the various magazine covers, it's as if they're just letting kindergarteners take a stab at this for an art project. with that said, I'll probably be there opening weekend, despite the predictability of such a film with Iron Man, Captain America and The Hulk.
I want to see them do a Celine Dion "My Heart Will Go On" remix.
The movie was OK, although I definitely kept saying "Well, that's now how it played out in the book!" or "they totally left out this part!" but I did enjoy it. The romantic interludes killed the momentum though, but I already knew that going in. I'm much more excited for Catching Fire, as the second book was much more fast-paced and I imagine the arena set will be done really well.
I see where Geraldo is getting his inspiration from.
This song will never get out of my head all day. Quick, someone play Bieber! Wait, that will just make things worse.
"Aliens? We're aliens now? Not if I have anything to say about that!" - Donatello
Like I would ever consider listening to anything serious coming from someone that looks as disheveled as him.
How could they not use Cotton-Eye Joe in the video?
Wait, you have to flap your arms too? Well that's just not as much fun.
even the ball is laughing at them.
I see they've taken the Justin Bieber dolls in a new direction.
Ghost!!!....or a rodent crawling by, knocking over the box of fruit roll ups.