
Oh no! I feel bad for my random fact now. I hope everything works out for you.
Me too! What if I get transported through time without my contact solution, my back up glasses, or my inhaler? All of a sudden natural selection isn't just something they don't teach in the bible belt.
Random fact: I've actually considered getting lasik to prevent the off chance that there is an apocalypse and my glasses break. Not so random fact: I hope everyone is ok.
At the end of Argo, they show photos of the actors next to the actual people to show how close they got. They kind of skipped Ben Affleck.
Stupid awaiting moderation. BTW, Steve, I noticed you've been having some grumpy posts. Did you know that vitamin C can improve your mood? Guinea pig food is a great source of vitamin c. Check it out at your local Petsmart.
Ok, I calmed down from my girlie "Gabe commented on my post" :) I had to work crazy hours so I was often sleeping when you guys were posting. And I was sick :( "I was going to point out that I meant the real world robot uprising was the spoiler, but having that gif above my comment box is very distracting. If I stop commenting for a while, you guys know where I’ll be :)"
I found my way back to Videogum! What have I missed in the last two months?
Guinea pig food has Vitamin C in it. You should be fine.
Guinea Pigs are the only other animal that doesn't make Vitamin C. So if you just throw in a handful of their chow, you should be fine.
Ugh. That man is my representative. I've tried some time to vote him out but I'm somewhat of a minority. Hopefully this will cause enough negative media to push McCaskill forward and get him out of office. That's what happened with our former state representative, Cynthia Davis, when she set her sights on the senate. She was bad enough to make it onto the Colbert Report with her saying that kids don't need free lunches, they should get jobs at McDonald's and get food for free. On another note, I'm really hoping my job search goes well and I can move far, far away from my parent's house.
It's a little too late for Norman Bates, Hugh.
I believe that I could have lived a full and happy life without realizing that walruses can bug their eyes out of the side of their heads like that.
Well the list of reading buckets is ON a bucket, natch.
Do androids not read in buckets? Weird.
I've practically given up on TV anyway. It seems that the stuff I like gets canceled so quickly. On the plus side, I've been able to make a good dent on my reading bucket list.
He's the Bruce Wayne of the Lego world.
Well after you peak as an actor, the food industry is the next logical step, this guy knows what I'm talking about:
She still doesn't understand the Friends food truck where everyone just sits around and talks and never actually works.
Great, now I have to explain to my mom why people would like a food truck about nothing too.
"We're gonna need a bigger cape." - these physicists.
I did my part to make that billion, because it is hot as fuck outside and I'm dealing with it by being a hermit.
I was going to point out that I meant the real world robot uprising was the spoiler, but having that gif above my comment box is very distracting. If I stop commenting for a while, you guys know where I'll be :)
I haven't seen it either, and I guess I won't now because I hate spoilers. Even real world spoilers. Don't get me started on the guy who let slip the Mayan calendar whopper. You might as well tell me what's in the box in Se7en.
Also, can we talk about another bad decision: that one chick's shitty tattoos?
The bad parenting alert and the robot uprising alerts seem pretty similar, but one makes me much sadder for humanity.
Also Channing Tatum is hawt.
Random thing that bothers me: people who write NE instead of any. It's one whole letter shorter, and it isn't even quicker because any has letters that easily loop together whereas NE forces you to make a jump to the next letter. While I'm at it ROFLMAO isn't funny, it's hackneyed. Stick with LOL or haha and save those letters for other words like dat, sum, and ne (read: that, some, and any). Thank you for the soap box, Granny Marcella
I kind of hope that in a future video, Money Maker Mike gets to sing and he sounds just like Michale Buble.
Don't worry DeStorm, I'm pretty sure that was a stripper cop. I'd just stay away from the pissed off bachelorette party you stole him from.
People keep telling me I should check that song out, but I just don't see the point.
Sorry guys the HR lady at work had a bunch of laffy taffys in her candy jar. I guess they rubbed off on me.
After making the imprint, Uggie receives a standing apPAWS.
They did, it was called Bridesmaids.
There are way too many dislikes on that video. Chill out people. Save those mouse clicks for actual bad videos. This was just blah.
You should try taking some allergy medicine before bed, I hear that helps clear up the morning snotties.
Apparently Indian Jones took to vlogging about bat rescue in his retirement. Who knew?