This definitely wins as favorite. LaughingOutLoudly
It's okay, guys. I found the perfect replacement.
I feel another Weekend at Bernie's coming on...but more slutty. Took me ten hours to make.
I just leave my business card. I'm the only combination analyst and therapist in North America.
Kelly, you've got it all wrong. This is a French execution (coupled with a Japanese game show). Synergy!
If there's one thing TV is missing today, it's reality shows exploring the difficulty of grandparents living at home with their kids...WITH 10 POUNDS OF C4 STRAPPED TO THEIR CHEST! Oh shi -- (insert recycled Transformers explosion sound effect)
"Do it, The Walking Dead writers. Do it." - Carl barging in on the writer's brainstorm session Social media, explained. XOXO
Nothing has bothered me more about reading the comic and watching the show than the fact that Shane was still alive. At least he's dead now, even if it wasn't nearly as satisfying as the comic.
"But we let him suffer agonizing pain for so long with his stomach ripped open like a hot plate of spaghetti! He must have known that we only did it out of love...and to get back at him for all that talk about being humane and shit. Who's inhumane now, Dale?! Oh, still us? Well, I guess we are the worst then."
Why did Carl become a mute all of a sudden? I was literally yelling at the TV (which I never do while watching this show) when Carl was pointing his gun at Rick supposedly, and Shane was zombie-shuffling. "USE YOUR WORDS, CARL, USE YOUR WORDS!" I'm guessing Carl just missed Rick's head and shot zombie-Shane instead. Tune in next season finale to find out!
You beat me to it!
I just ended up in the right place at the right time. The planets aligned.
SUCCESS. Celebration picture...
I'm going to go with impossible rage. Also, first time picture. I hope this works or me and Capt. Mike are gonna need another glass.
I have a crazy ocean storm in my pants from watching this video.
Well, you got me there. Ghost dad and Catweazle are a pair made in heaven -- wait, no that sounds terrifying. But here's some XOXO anywayz.
Oh great, just ruin the show for the rest of us! Sometimes I wish you guys were more like
I want to go wanding around! My first spell would be to transport Chace and I to the nearest Black Eyed Peas concert and then maybe I would conjure up some dinner and then we'd talk about Gossip Girl. Perfect date!
"You're welcome, little Rosie O'Donnell." - Rube Goldberg