
Fried Green Tomatobank?
My bad, facetaco. 20 years ago is a long time to remember... thanks.
The Han that Rocks the Cradle
The Prince of Persia of Tides
A Fantasy Star is Born (Old Sega Reference anyone?)
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Chewbacca to the Future
The Second Life of Brian
Second Life or Something Like It
Tyler Perry Presents: I Can Do Mac All By Myself
Look Who's Talking in Klingon!
My Michael Cera/Shyamalan-ending jabs in the The Sorcerer's Apprentice thread notwithstanding, I really liked this movie. It was fun. I did leave thinking about whether or not it was all a dream, but I also thought that about 1/2 way through. Particularly when the train came through in the 1st (2nd?)level of the inception dream(s?) in the van. It was as if the train was meant to tell us something more than just: "Oh, ps, my subconscious is in here, too, you guys." Also, why did the Japanese guy (name?) get old while he was in limbo, but no one else ever did?
Speaking of Juno, every time she opened her mouth, I kept waiting for Michael Cera to show up all emo and soft spoken in short shorts. That would be limbo. Also, the payoff was a little Shyamalan-esque ridiculous, no?
How can you play catch when there's no one else there? He's really playing "throw".
When cry-baby Franklin cried, he had real saliva, not vampire-blood-saliva like would make sense 'cause they cry vampire-blood-tears and all their vampire-fluids are replaced with vampire-blood-fluids. Is it wrong that this blatant inconsistency is what sent me over the edge last night?
This has nothing on Delicious Dish.