
Aw. I remember reading Jenna Fischer's MySpace back in like 2007 and being excited because she responded to my comment about IKEA kids' mac n' cheese being better than the Target kids mac n' cheese she was blogging about. And now she's getting married to a famous person, by a famous person! In other news, The Office these days: woof. Please end and let the talented people go do other things. :(
I agree with this comment very much, except for the part about 2001 because I fell asleep right at the beginning of that movie and then woke up at the end with the scene in the room and was like "WTFuckingF??" so I'm not really qualified to have an opinion on it. But yes, other than squandering an opportunity to do some really creative things with dreamscapes and dream logic, I was sad that I never really felt very invested in what happened to the characters, other than Ken Watanabe once it became obvious that he was going to spend 50 years living alone in dream-limbo and forgetting his real life. And I only cared because I already liked him as an actor, not because I cared about his "character." Mostly I'm commenting, though, because your mention of Lost reminded me of what I haven't seen anyone else mention online -- was Fischer accompanying his estranged father's body back home from Sydney to the funeral in LA, only to have a weird time-bending mystical experience on the trip, some kind of crazy homage or what?
Yeah, this just about sums up my feelings about the film -- I was really sad that a director with so much visual talent and such a huge budget didn't take the opportunity to create really fantastic dreamscapes instead of FPS videogames (that snow level was really a LEVEL, if you know what I mean). The self-handicap Gabe mentions when Ariadne's told she can't mess with things too much I found to be a copout, letting the movie off the hook for looking just like all Nolan's gritty neo-noir films. The action was good and there was lots of cleverness, but I felt like it lacked vision.
OK, I think I might actually be in some kind of dream-state at this point because here I am upvoting Steve's comments because I, too, did not love Inception. I need a top to spin.
I'm sure it's just for informational purposes. I tour dental schools for fun all the time.
Augh, saw this comment late so I don't know if you're still reading, but thanks for the Kobo Abe rec! I'm trying hard to read more authors from outside the US these days. And yeah, Feed is pretty good (disclosure: the author is a friend of a friend). It's the first in a forthcoming trilogy and is full of very clever ideas I haven't seen in zombie fiction before.
OK, that's actually an awesome story. As long as your dad had nothing to do with Panburger Partner, all is forgiven. I might even try this strange Montana-based breakfast cereal.
Today I saw knock-off Cream of Wheat at the discount grocery store. It had a picture of a white cowboy on it and it was called "Cream of the West." (Good, but not as good as the Hamburger Helper knock-off "Panburger Partner," which is a real thing, I am not even lying.)
Are you both under it at the same time? I've found it works best if the taller person holds a shared umbrella. But if you walk alongside out of frame, well, you might want to look into the terms of your slave contract. (Slaves have contracts, right?)
I believe the call was coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE.
Mira Grant's "Feed", which is pretty much the only zombie novel besides "World War Z" worth reading. Also a bunch of Murakami, why did no one tell me this guy was awesome?
Ahaha, I was totally coming here to post that very thing. Except she wasn't a snake -- she was actually the devil! "Did you really think you could call up the devil and ask him to behave?" - Mulder "Mulder, you're so dreamy." - Me, circa 1997
A bar of Irish Spring? (My guy friend was once thrown out of a mom n' pop drugstore for holding a bar of Irish Spring soap and singing the commercial to it. I don't even want to know what would have happened if these Old Spice ads had existed back then.)
Option C: Buy your own Doctoral Tam! I particularly like that spiffy red "Beefeater" model, excellent both for wearing around the house and for evenings out.
Of course, the practical effects of demonizing rapists is that it becomes impossible to convict anyone No kidding. I had a really heated argument with a friend's boyfriend over whether falsely being accused of rape was worse than being raped and not getting legal justice for it -- he didn't come out and say that, exactly, but went off on a tirade about how it ruins your life forever even if no charges are pressed, some friends of his were falsely accused by bitchy exes, etc. etc. As long as people feel that we have to bend over backwards to protect innocent men from the consequences of being accused of rape (because women love being interrogated about their sexual history in court just to get back at a dude!), accusations won't be taken as seriously and/or won't be made at all.
Just get a doctorate! You get to wear the puffy hat and striped-sleeve gown then. Easy-peasy. Fun fact: all English university students used to wear the basic US graduation attire (black mortarboard + robe) to school every day.
Your comment makes me very glad that no one videotaped a children's version of Pirates of Penzance featuring a dirty blonde wearing glasses and fuming because she's stuck playing ugly sister Edith and that bitch Megan totally got the lead role again just because she's a better singer or whatever. Fifth grade, what up?
Real 12-year-olds know that PATD totally dropped that lame-o exclamation point. Punctuation is for losers!
Does anyone else remember that MTV show Lip Service, which was just a big ol' lip-synching competition? The best part was how if you won, you came back the next week, so this one group who did "100% Pure Love" was on for like nine bazillion weeks running. I loved that song so much in fifth grade.
Bwahaha, I think my comment answers backstagebetty's comment above: DO people even watch the Emmys? Obviously I no longer do.
a) No Community? What? b) THIS HAD BETTER FINALLY BE MICHAEL EMERSON'S YEAR c) Community??? d) I'm really confused by Patrick Stewart being nominated for Hamlet, which means they are counting the English televised production of the Royal Shakespeare Company's version from two years ago, which means somehow David Tennant did not get nominated for lead actor in a miniseries for his astounding work as Hamlet. Either that or there have been multiple versions of Hamlet recently and Patrick Stewart was in them all. Which would not surprise me. e) Community :(
Wow, the clips from "The Sandlot" and "Ghostbusters" really sum up the gist of these ten minutes the best -- there truly is no greater horror to a Hollywood screenwriter than being a girl and not having a dick.
Man, I wish someone would kidnap me and force me to have bubble tea at gunpoint. That sounds really good right now. Math, I could pass on.
Everyone in my theater actually burst out snort-laughing at #2. And someone yelled "Gay!" after the fade to black at the end. So I'd recommend seeing it in the theater after a few weeks.
Does anyone else mostly only remember Peter Facinelli at Jennifer Love Hewitt's asshole football player boyfriend in Can't Hardly Wait? He looked pretty good with that S&M bondage gear the NERDS put him in.
When my husband was watching 24 this season, I was pretty convinced that this guy would have made a much better Prince of Persia since he's, you know, Persian:
Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian, HOBO, Sir Ian, Sir Ian...
All the show is doing these days is convincing me more each week that I would give all the dollars in the world for the Sawyer&Miles buddy cop show.
And like sixteen cans of Monster.
That's totally Stephen Page singing, right? Man, I'm still so sad that he caught arrested for doing coke and left his wife and also the band. Also, yes, it is 2002 where I am and the Barenaked Ladies are still awesome and relevant.
Pretty sure all five of them are girls.
I went on Dick Cavett many years ago and met Nic Cage. He was rambling on about some shit, I don't know, like Picasso? No one had any clue what he was talking about, even Dick, and I think he might have been high. Then I had to go out there and it was so embarrassing, and he looked at me like, "Help me out here, Miles," so I just winked at him. I didn't know what else to do, you know? Anyhow, after that he started sending me Father's Day cards every year that always referenced sharing my trumpet. That was some weird, borderline-homoerotic shit, man. And so I got a restraining order. - Miles Davis
My favorite part is actually when he describes his character's "cool" style as harkening back to the "500s or 600s." Sixth century homespun tunics are so hawt. I'm just sorry he didn't answer what, for me, is the most pressing Nicolas Cage-related query: "HOW DID IT GET BURNED? HOW DID IT GET BURNED? HOW DID IT GET BURNED?"
I thought the pairing of a Jin episode with the Desmond reveal was pretty clever, actually -- both of those guys have been majorly fucked over because they dated the boss's/rich dude's daughter. But where, perchance, is Penneh??
I liked the comic books because they were full of awesome ladies (Kim Piiiiine! Played by Awesome Lesbian from Milk!), but I'm kind of over the weird masochistic nerd-boy thing where they're surrounded by awesome ladies who mock them all the time and yet still want to sleep with them, or at least give them relationship/life advice.
I know, right? Every time I see a boy with long dark lashes I want to punch him. Or make out with him. (Being me is confusing.)
Pretty sure that wasn't just any swirlie -- it was a BAPTISMAL swirlie. This show, it likes its religious metaphors. Also, as I said at the beginning of the episode, Richard Alpert and the four-toed statue are my two favorite island mysteries. So a show that explained both why Alpert lives forever and why there's only a foot hanging around on the island today (the Black Rock smashed it? awesome) is A+++.
Awww, last night I finally bothered looking Nestor Carbonell on IMDB and it turns out that actually they have to put concealer on his eyes to make them look LESS eyeliner'd. And apparently he was "teased and bullied" about it growing up in NYC? Now I feel bad for the (many, many) times I have wondered why Richard Alpert/the Mayor of Gotham City wears eyeliner.
I would like this better if I hadn't made the Office theme song my ringtone for the last two years, until I got a new phone. Even when the actual show is on, I still jump up and start looking for my phone when I hear the theme. :(
I posted a link to this video on Facebook, with a comment to the effect of it starring my dad. To which my uncle commented "Several of my friends in high school thought he was haaaaawt." Thanks, Uncle Paul!