
I'm betting he's a captured Skrull who's been given a personality transplant.
The Lydia actress played Door in the BBC production of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere which makes my brain short-circuit a bit whenever she's on screen because I had kind of a crush on Door, but Lydia is terrible.
I skipped the season where Dexter was an angel with blood-spatter wings or something because the one preceding it was pure garbage (the finest garbage!) but then the season after that started getting good reviews so I hopped back aboard. And it immediately started to suck again. I vowed to stop watching this show about seven episodes ago but kept coming back every week. I don't know why. Masochism probably. I don't know how many times I've shouted at the TV, "The guy's insane! He's a SERIAL KILLER!" because the writers seem to have decided he's just a slightly more eccentric Spider-Man. It must be a lot easier to get a job writing for TV than I thought. The level of ineptitude on display... sorry. I just finished watching the last episode and now I'm starting to make myself angry so I'll stop. I'd say that my feelings of rage are overwhelmed by relief. At last it's over. Dexter will never be able to hurt me again. FUCK YOU, DEXTER!! Sorry.
Okay, that was weird. Obviously, I was going to say more than "T" but my computer took over and was like, "Nope! You're done here!" So I guess I'll heed its warning. T
You mean you're not?
Yeah, I've had a beer in the shower before, but since I just finished scrubbing out the bathtub I'm pretty sure that every crumb that fell from my sandwich would feel like a tiny dagger in my heart. Anyway, it's too late. I'm already at stage three.
Scratch that. Sandwich first, then shower, then beer.
I just finished my four day apartment cleaning project. I cleaned things I hadn't cleaned in years, and things that I'd never cleaned before, and things that looked they'd never been cleaned since the place was built. The air was filled with the squealing of dust bunnies burning in a chemical fire. Here's a picture of a bunny to aid your visual imagination: You'll have to add the fire and the rictus of unimaginable torment yourselves because I don't have Photoshop. Now I'm gonna have a shower and then a sandwich and a beer.
I've actually been wondering lately why the trilogy caught on in such a big way. The obvious answer is money but why does it have to be three? It seems like if a movie does well enough to generate a sequel, it's now assumed that it will be the first part of a trilogy. Is it more satisfying to the human psyche when things come in threes? But from what I've read of Jung, the number four is more often associated with wholeness or completion. So what does that say about us and what we expect from our entertainment? That we WANT to be left in a constant state of yearning for slightly more? This might be a dumb, first-year-Psych question but it's been bugging me lately. Don't really know why.
Ain't no party like a Gwyneth Paltrow garden party because a Gwyneth Paltrow garden party don't stop because you are in hell.
Force Ghost World: Mainly revolves around Obi-Wan and Yoda trying to stop that mischievous scamp Anakin from being such a Force Poltergeist all the time. Actually, I wouldn't watch this.
Just wanted to chime in to say that this whole exchange is comedy gold. I love it so much.
Gotta say he looks pretty good in the costume. He's got a better jaw for it than a lot of the movie Batmans. Er, Batmen? They both look weird.
This qualifies as absolutely anything else: I'm making Tuscan Beef Stew for my dad's birthday dinner tonight. It's in the slow cooker right now and its increasingly delicious smell is slowly permeating my apartment. I just walked into the kitchen and straight up started to drool. It should be pretty good.
Could be worse. I majored in Wish Science. Thirty thousand dollars of debt for one comment on the internet. Was it all worth it? Since the comment in question has only two upvotes, I would have to say no.
Also, if the genie didn't grant your second wish but still counted it as a wasted wish, you could use your third wish to wish that you hadn't made your second wish and then you'd still have two wishes left! Unless your third wish moved you back in time to the point just before you made your second wish without any knowledge of the future and you ended up wishing for infinity wishes all over again, and then unwishing, and then wishing, ad infinitum. So you would get infinity wishes after all, it's just that they'd be the same two pointless wishes over and over again! #wishphysics
There's actually an infinite sequence of computers to his right. He doesn't want to look in that direction because to be confronted so directly by his insignificance in relation to infinity would drive him mad. He's a bit of a narcissist... which is also why he doesn't just strangle the cat. He recognizes something of himself in its feline nature. There's a whole complex tapestry of motivations at work here.
Star Wars: The Sun Also Rises (in which Luke loses a ball)
Not enough apologies! I'm still slightly offended!
With a cool dry wit like that, you could be an action hero.
I dunno, I think the c should probably be a k. I'm reading it as sersis. What's a sersis? I hope you pointed that out and then laughed at them and then stifled your laughter and said, "No, by all means, please continue with your 'sersis.' Don't let me interrupt you." And then one of the more precocious kids did an opera-type clap at your biting wit, to show that he or she was just as above it as you and that even though he or she has to deal with these kids all day, with their nose-picking and bum-scratching and such, he or she is not really one of them. Just kidding. It's very cute. I don't know why this scenario popped into my head fully formed. What is wrong with me?
I was gonna reply with a well-thought-out comment but got interrupted by a phone call. Now I figure, life's too short. I downvoted you. Go away.
About a week ago a little girl gave me a glow-in-the-dark plastic bracelet for no reason. She was too shy to say anything so I took it and looked at it, said it was nice and gave it back, but her mom explained that, nope, it was meant for me. Then the girl ran away so I had to call, "Thanks for the bracelet!" after her. It pretty much made my week. I've got it displayed on my bookshelf.
I like your name. And thanks again!
Yeah, I was gonna make a joke at her expense but stopped myself because I was like, "Well, why not? What's wrong with what she's doing, really?" I mean, it's a bit comically extreme (I'm imagining her in the forest arranging twigs into chemical-bond-shapes and resting them on her head while she meditates) (a few months ago I had an ear infection and this guy I work with told me that all I needed to do was rest the antibiotic in the palm of my hand for five minutes and my skin would absorb all I needed from it) (he wasn't kidding, and there's a lot of people like him around here) but the intent behind it seems okay. The world is really fucked up. Maybe comically extreme is a more sane reaction than no reaction at all.
Freeloader! Mite!
Honestly, I have no idea how Tumblr works either, as you can probably tell from one look at my very minimalist set-up. There's one guy who re-blogs my stuff (thanks, achumpsgambit!) and I have no clue how to like his liking of me without liking my own stuff. I also have no idea how to set up a contact thingy. I'll look into it though, one of these days, when I'm feeling technologically ambitious. And thank you, as always. My day turned out to be half great and half shitty (confusing, in other words) so it was really nice to come home and see this.
It looked pretty awesome on 30 Rock, if that's any help. I guess if you have the sort of job where you'd be meeting new people, or if you have hobbies that involve interacting with others, then it'd be okay. I'm fairly reclusive by nature but apparently I do need some social contact because once I moved to Vancouver for a year, where I knew very few people, and I pretty much went insane. I wasn't in a situation where it was easy to make new friends, so if that's the sort of situation you'd be going into, I'd suggest caution. Offering advice feels so presumptuous and, well, rude, but that's my two cents.
Tumnus posted an update on how his day went over on his blog. I'm pointing you in that direction rather than having him do it because it's very loosely based on something that actually happened to me. On the weekend I ran into a guy I used to work with who went to a local music festival a couple of weeks ago and came back with his brain completely fried. I don't know what drugs he did but the change was shocking and... I don't want to make it all about "me" but it was very disturbing and I've been thinking about it ever since then. Some people drink to cope with stuff like this and some people pray and apparently some people get drunk and then incorporate it into their dumb Mr. Tumnus fan fiction. The whole thing just makes me angry. So the Tumnus story is kind of meta and not entirely "in character," so if you don't like it, that's understandable. I wrote it very fast last night and haven't looked at it since then so it might be riddled with errors. Anyway, don't do drugs, kids. Or at least not by the handful.