
that wind guy sure had a lot of screen time for someone who never said a word.
everyone should get a black turtleneck and a brown leather jacket and then ask me out on a date.
everyone should get a black turtleneck and a brown leather jacket and then ask me out on a date.
same! did they really need to put a bunch of clothes in a human sized cargo container?
what else has he been in and how many turtlenecks was he wearing in those movies
i hate action movies, but i liked this movie a lot. hot dudes wore both sweaters AND turtlenecks and there was almost NO blood. thats pretty much the best i can ask for from an action movie. I will say that I found it weird that most of the women were 1960s slutty, while the lady with the wings was anacronistically present-day slutty. she even had a bunch of 2004 myspace tattoos. come on! if you are a 60s stripper you should get some pasties and not look like you shop at tj maxx.
is there is any sort of tax i could pay that would ensure this site never, ever does porn reviews?
so whats everybody up to down here, in this section? im at work eating a banana and wondering why i even buy bananas because i dont enjoy them at all and they are kind of a stupid nutrient-poor fruit.
i think the top of a bra sticking out of her shirt is signature to the erin brokovich look. that shirt only has one button open.
patrick m i came up with a title for my romantic tree comedy. STUMPED i guess i will have to add some kind of "unanswerable question" theme into it also.
is this where we post pictures of our dogs looking sad? look at how sad my dog is:
this video is better than the last 3 movies i went to.
some people have caddyshack, i have a bunch of stuff you wrote for mcsweeney's in 2005 and also that blog where you gchat with your foxnews friend.
omg hiiiiii wendy molyneuxxxxxxx (probably the wrong letter to stress?). i think you are the best and i own your book and sometimes i quote a piece you wrote about being a billionaire when i'm staring at myself in the mirror trying to psyche myself up for something. i had a job interview today, so i said to myself "my what a lovely baby you have. i have a baby at home made entirely of 100 dollar bills, i am a billionaire." clearly, this is a sign.
wait, so is this a korean drama or an adult film?
my zazzle tshirts are a VERY reasonable $12.95
"no mom, it's not JUST a comment on a website. it's a big deal. no it doesn't pay anything. why can't you just be happy for me? ... ... anyway i need to borrow like $500 for rent."
currently, there is no philadelphia videogum skull and bones society. we will all be strangers! you could tell us you were werttrew if you wanted. dont touch my shrimps though.
i have been to EPCOT so i think i know a thing or two about international travel. and the future.
oh dogs. are there any humiliations you won't suffer for us?
i don't know if this is a southern thing, or if i was just raised by monkies, but my roommate's family is WAY into thank you notes. they write notes thanking me for every time they visit. they don't stay in the apartment, they just thank me for like letting them walk around? and he has a liberal, young person sister who writes him thank you notes for when he visits her. he sleeps on her couch for one night so he can go out drinking in the city she lives in and then she writes him a note? etiquette is weird and this family is making my stamp budget go through the roof. signed, a rude idiot
i'd make some black swan jokes about the ipad redesign, but honestly i'm so tired you guys. i'm just gonna lay down for a second. just give me like 3 minutes. i'll catch up with you later.
how do you guys sneak your cats into the theaters? i stack mine on top of each other and make them wear a big coat and hat and sunglasses.
can i borrow the book is it the same title how many copies do you think my library has how often does the main character think in italics no time for punctuation too many questions
i'm a completely braindead dumbdumb and i definitely go to these movies, perpetuating the cycle of terrible movies. they comfort me with their consistently bad dialogue, specious character motivations, and stylish colored trench coats. if it makes you feel better, i typically talk through them the entire time.
im not super good with numbers or anything, but i thinnnnk the equation is margene+jim+weddings=are you not seeing this with me because weddings scare you? where is this relationship going?
look, i'm already 26 years old, so i know i'm going to have to start dating 55-year-olds who have bad enough eyesight that they cant see how gross and wrinkly and old i am and then ill force them to have a kid with me because of how little i have in my life and then i'll get super involved in autism charities not that there's anything wrong with my son, im just very philanthropic and my old husband ignores me and my own child screams whenever he's hugged and god it is just so cold in here is someone messing with the thermostat, but if any of you bitches beats me to the altar i hope you fucking drown. DO NOT STEAL MY WEDDING COLORS, I TOLD YOU THEM IN CONFIDENCE.
celebrities love extreme plastic surgery. it's just a normal part of the job to them.
city of brotherly throwing a huge piece of cement at my car for no reason and also what happened to my hubcap.
i know you might not want to watch the entire video, but you should. because right at the end he alllllmost starts playing air guitar but then only half does, over and over again. "air guitar is cool right? i should play air guitar when we are actually doing it."