
Idris's bow tie makes me pop a lady boner every time he smiles, but I think that's a more normal physiological reaction.
Cool italics, can't wait to see Pacific Rim</i. on DVD at any of the big-box stores and having to go to four different places to get it because apparently during Christmas or inventory season all of them got gone because of how that movie RULES when it comes to theaters.
I missed them last night because I wound up going on a wild goose chase trying to find Pacific Rim</i. on DVD at any of the big-box stores and having to go to four different places to get it because apparently during Christmas or inventory season all of them got gone because of how that movie RULES, but so between our travels and adventure and really just not caring all that much, we missed them. I guess I'll watch them tonight. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about new Community (I would have been perfectly happy if it had just gone away and not come back, in the grand scheme of things) but I'm definitely willing to give it a shot. I'm glad to hear the jokes are back. Jokes are really important for sitcoms, I've found.
I am very offended on Baby Worry About Yourself's behalf, but I am very happy for Babies Day Men, so I'm torn. All the babies win! That prehensile snake can go to hell with its scary self!!!
Seconded. Is she really the only other CBS personality they could think of? Or maybe they didn't want to put on another white dude? I think they should've just had Melissa McCarthy come to visit.
This was very nice and sweet and, for as cynical as I typically am, I think it's great and I don't even mind that it's both an advertisement AND it takes place at a Wal*Mart. I'm very happy for the people she helped with their shopping and I'm ALSO happy that she was holding that baby and just being so cute. So overall, this is a win.
I simply do not understand why anybody would ever willfully hurtle themselves down the side of a snowy mountain with a couple of slippery-ass sticks tied to their feet. Like, pay money, intentionally ride to the top of a mountain, then look down the mountain and say "Yep, I think I'll just slip all the way back down, way too fast to stop myself if I'm about to fall, that sounds super fun, let's do it!" I understand riding the lift (it's fun and pretty!) or snow tubing or sledding (you're already on your butt!) or just sitting in a cabin surrounded by snowy mountainness and drinking hot boozy drinks in a hot tub (obviously awesome!) but skiing? Snowboarding? Nuh-fucking-uh.
This year, I'm going to wake up Christmas morning, look under the tree and exclaim, "Oh wow! Look at all these beautifully wrapped jifts!," the way Jod intended it.
Seriously. They should've just time traveled to this past week's $636million jackpot.
I've only seen like 2.2 of these movies, but that doesn't matter. All my passion for the Gummys this year rests on Worry About Yourself winning Best Viral Video.
I continue to be amazed by how much Duck Dynasty merch there is and how many people wear it, in all earnestness, all the time! Like, people I know! Many people I know! A coworker of mine went to a Duck Dynasty -themed party, for a child just a couple weeks ago! This is like the saturation level of Cars, except it also involves adults and it is OUT OF CONTROL! Stop Duck Dynasty inflation now!!!
People will still watch it, though, because the bots will all be played by porn stars.
Did you just tweet what I think you just tweeted????
I just assumed that the owner has been going through months of treatment for alcoholism and the dog was simply trying to gently remind him of all the hard work he's put in and not to throw it away simply for the sensation that whiskey gives you. The dog was just trying to save the family!
Jesus Christ when will anyone let the starlets have babies??!!! Stop witholding babies from all these starlets, you Hollywood assholes! There is an unjust number of empty uteruses wandering around these studios and it is time to fill those uteruses with the babies of leading men!!! What do we want? Hollywood Babies!!! When do we want them? Constantly!!!
This guy puts the smorts in sports.
Today I am actually more like Idris Elba's reaction to meeting Kate Middleton, sort of a frightened bewildered squint/scowl with a touch of real discomfort.
If it's more than 0:07 and requires sound, I'm pretty much out. That's why Snail Fail was so perfect for me.
I would say Fart Hearth, but that would indicate more of a dry heat. This is more of a Shit Bog, which isn't a rhyme but is very evocative of what the actual sensation was.
Poo stew Poo splash goulash Dump swamp
Ewwww trying to poop into a hot water toilet when you already have sweat-butt?
1. Gross 2. I can't say because the Rich People Mafia would probably come after me for violating the Caterer's Confidentiality Code, but yes.
Here's something gross that is unrelated to Hugh Jackman, but is related to rich people's bathrooms. I was working a catering job at a Fancy Private University's President's house this summer and had to use the bathroom, as humans do. So I went to the tiny servants' bathroom (as the help, those are the things you have to do) that is right off the kitchen and hitched my pants down. Now, one of our chefs had just come out of there and the seat was warm and my first reaction was "EW DAMN DIEGO!" but then as I sat there for a few seconds, I started realizing that the toilet was actually getting warmer. Then it was getting hot. Then I realized that it wasn't some fancy seat warmer but that it was actually the WATER in the BOWL that was hot. It was steaming all up into my bits! My guess is that there was some plumbing error and the water from the hot water heater was being directed into the toilet (the tank of the toilet was hot, too) and that Diego flushing recirculated very hot water into the bowl. The moral of this story is that there is maybe no more disgusting sensation than trying to poop into a toilet that is filled with steaming hot water in the summer time.
Hugh Jackman also has a retrofitted Roomba that has carpet cleaner and scrubbies on it for all the urine stains on every surface of this home. You can literally urinate anywhere on his property and it will be promptly cleaned with very little human interference.
Frosty The Snowman On Wire
Weird. If there were any magazine that caused demons to jump off the page and into your body, I would've sworn it was Southern Living.
Ahhh, there's nothing I love more than a beautifully performed pole dance de deux.
I didn't see the movie this weekend because it was apparently Official Christmas Party Weekend, and also I don't really care about it. So instead I cleaned my whole apartment, made like 5 pots of chili and brought them to parties all weekend. Today all my connective tissue hurts from dehydration. The Desolation Of My Liver.
The Desolation Of Being A Working Woman With No Kids, am I right?
I wonder how disgusting Space Dr. Pepper is. All the way disgusting? Is it just a packet of Dr. Pepper syrup?
"Santa Claus is definitely white, in case there are no gay people there."
This is exactly how I broke my front tooth for the third time.
This flightless bird is inexplicably opposed to those flighted mammals.
I am also in favor of more live musicals and I second the request for singer/actors. Throw us a Chenoweth, NBC! Though if I had to guess based on current trends, it will be Mary Poppins starring Kelly Clarkson and Johnny Galecki.
Suggestion taken, if only it were actually snowing here. Though I did recently infuse some coffee bourbon and that is perfect snow day libation.
I don't know. I'd probably catch The Price Is Right on tv in the morning then try to bug Husbandglue into playing a game of Risk with me that will last 9 hours.