
Maybe you SHOULD read the comments.
That is exactly the kind of "analysis" done by the people who heard subliminal Satanic messages in AC/DC and Metallica records in the 80s.
Ok, so duct tape roses are lame. I hope that doesn't mean I can't still make a heart covered with red and pink tissue-paper squares scrunched around a pencil tip and glued on.
I guess my point is that maybe Martha's on to something and some of us ladies should just take care of our own Valentine's Day festivities.
You know, whoever is paying, if you ask your buddy to buy your girlfriend flowers for Valentine's Day and get him to sign the card, don't then reimburse your buddy in front of said girlfriend and say "thanks for doing the card too". And don't then take that same girlfriend out for dinner the day AFTER Valentine's Day and admit out loud that you're doing it because you didn't want to bother getting reservations on the actual day because it's too much trouble. I mean, theoretically.
It's my birthday on Monday too! Happy birthday to us! And also Axl Rose. I'm proud to say I think I'm aging better than he is.
That's pretty much what I was saying as I watched the video too.
Yes. This vid made me laugh a lot, but it also made me think "Dads clearly need more to do in the delivery room."
My weekend is now over, but I wanted to thank whichever Monster was proselytizing about Homeland. We had the series premiere of it here last night, and it was SO GOOD.
This video is even better if you pretend the guy in the green baseball cap is Spielberg.
I am now feeling so much better about myself and my life choices and the drugs I'm not taking. Thanks, Kelly!
Is now a good time to point out that tortoises are land animals and don't go in the water? Turtles are the aquatic ones. #themoreyouknow
Also they picked Nathan Fillion. Nathan Fillion is ALWAYS the correct choice.
That is a big fucking iguana.
No, Ryan Gosling is playing all the parts in this one.
The important thing is that you know that they're not quitters. Not a single quitter in the Palin family!
Or you could just switch your allegiance to Colin Edwards.
We were all already in New Year'sEve, don't you remember?
Does she live in LA? Because that sounds like pretty much every bar on the Sunset Strip.
"Has anyone ever told you that you look just like Uma Thurman?" "Yes, I get that a lot." "Yeah...she's like a big praying mantis."
I refuse to believe Benedict Cumberbatch is a real name of an actual person.
Bridesmaids 2 without Kristen Wiig would be tragic, but not nearly as tragic as the Buffy reboot without Joss Whedon. So there.
Wow. I have not seen even one movie mentioned anywhere in this thread. Apparently I didn't see a single movie this year? How did that happen?
They're showing the previews for Homeland now here in Australia, and it looks good but I can't get over how that lead actor's mouth is too small for his face.
Josh Brolin has his Tommy Lee Jones impression PERFECTED. Good casting, MIB3.
I hate robots. This post is my nightmare.
And for some of us, our governor.
Seriously, where are the Fanning parents? Are they paying even a little bit of attention to their children?
I don't have a caption, but I really don't like how his hands are ginormous and his glasses look drawn on with a Sharpie. Gross. Somebody get that poor girl away from him.
Am I the only person here who actually really likes dubstep? I am, aren't I?
I like dubstep a lot more than I like juggling.
Close enough.
I love that the first two comments are from two of Videogum's most prolific commenters. Also, Brett Ratner is gross.
Is Vampire Dog only going to turn into a vampire when there's a full moon like the one on the poster? Because if so, somebody's got their monster myths confused. Also, great title, "Vampire Dog" writers. You clearly put a lot of effort into that.
8:28 am on a Saturday. Eh, not the earliest I've started drinking before.
My favorite part of this is his angry rapper face at the beginning.
So if they shot the animals with tranquilizers at night, the animals would be asleep during the night and therefore not eating any Ohioans (who were all inside anyway as soon as the news got out), and then when the sun was up, the animals could have then been found and tranquilized again if necessary, and then taken to a zoo or other facility and NOT ALL SHOT TO DEATH. I hate this story so much. :(
Speaking of fucking amazing Dr. Who costumes, everybody's seen the Weeping Angel one, right? I mean, FUCK Pac-Man. This one wins. I'm going as Poison Ivy this year, because I'm short on time and cash.