
No, I'm sorry I should have been more succinct. I was talking about the lampoon-y multi-movie garbage piles like this and the 'Movie' movies. (Dance Movie, Disaster Movie ect.).
Ah, god. Too much hangover (the real thing, not the movie) for this. When are they going to do away with this tired 'Movies that make fun of other movies' sub-genre? I don't think I've seen a genuinely funny one since the 80's.
I have never seen this show. Penis.
Thank you for your help. You have come through on this 'penis' thing like gangbusters and have once again solidified your role as one of the top Monsters on this site. Sadly, I now feel I have to wade through all these posts. I'm into penis deeper than ever before.
I'm not criticizing, as the YCMIU's are consistently very funny, but has anyone else noticed the frequent appearance of penis' in theses pieces? I mean, there's a lot of occurrences of cawk in this serial. Or, maybe it's me, could just be I have an eye for the word 'penis'. Oh. Damn.
Oh man! I had like three copies of that damn game. People kept getting it for me on holidays. I thought it was lame until I realized that there was a way to set up the board that was absolutely foolproof. I'll only watch is Rowan Atkinson plays the Miner/Bomb Diffuser guy.
To hell with all this. I used to be the supreme Battleship pimp, until the electronic version came out and ruined my bluff-game. What I can't wait for is "Mouse Trap' (a McG joint) where that fucking cage that falls on you has all kinds of strippers and sparks an' shit. America.
I'll field this:
Please don't take offense to this, as I respect what you're doing, but you are the Robin Furth to our Stephen King.
Oh cool! These people just ruined the E-63 AMG for me, and I didn't even have to watch the trailer. Thanks guys!
Well, I certainly fucked that up royally. Ah, off to eat more paste.
How else is he supposed to keep abreast of the latest goings-on with Seth McFarlane?
I dunno, Lazer Tag didn't really go over too well in my neighborhood. All the kids convinced their parents to get the setup for Christmas one year. We all met outside, and five minutes in, some motherfucker is covering their sensor. Was't long before the plastic pistol-whipping started up.
Thank god YouTube wasn't around when I was a kid. My parents were nowhere near as nice as this kid's 'rents. R/C car? Shhhiiiiiiit. 1979 Pontiac Bonneville.
Oh dear. This has just made the top of my 'Things I do not want my wife knowing anything about' list. Now so much because I don't want to see the movie, (I don't) but because of the days upon days of harping I would have to endure afterwards. I don't feel bad though. I'm sure she has a list like that for me too.
Oh mayne, this sounds like a blast. I would totally like to hang out with the monsters, and I can rationalize it in my mind, but then I think about my wife. "You're going to drive 600 miles in your 14MPG car (because Al Gore-one love) and miss two days of work to hang out with some people you met on the internet?" And I'd be all like, 'yeah!'. And then she would do that thing where she stares at me blankly until I stop smiling. *sigh* teat
Right you are, and here I am failing at nostalgia. It was 'The Electric Company'. And yeah, we old.
"Sorry, this video is currently unavailable." Ah, you pick me up, just to throw me down.
Whew, I'm glad I'm not Jewish! I had enough stuff up my butt as a Catholic kid.
Okay, here's the thing about this--When I was a kid, there was this show, I think it was called '3-2-1 Contact' (or maybe it was something else, there's a monster out there who knows, I'm sure). On that show there was a nefarious six-foot rabbit named 'Funny Bunny'. Some guy in a costume. But the rabbit looked like a dope fiend, and the creepiest music would play when he entered the scene. To me, pumpkinhead guy is like that rabbit. I like him, but there is something about him that makes my testicles retreat.
You're welcome. Thanks for writing.
I was under the impression that pointing out someone's physical shortcomings was uncouth.
The best was when 30 rock seg'ed into Leno, with Leno telling the camera: "It's time to give America what it wants". Oh, dear.
Jessica Ohmyfuckinggodi'manawfulbutincrediblyhotactress Alba. Am I doing this right?
I can't understand what they're saying...?
What surprises me, is that you're still going on about this. Don't get me wrong, I love this blog, but what do they say on the 4Chan? Axis of Evil is Evil? I get it. It's not going to stop. Jay and NBC will continue to chase that money.
Also known as: 'Nancy Franklin Mails It In.'
Very cute. And is that a Quizno's bag? Mmmmmm....
Agreed. Another star of my childhood gone. R.I.P., Patrick.
Whoa there, whoa. Don't get me wrong, I'm not president of the Taylor Swift Fan Club over here, and I'm sure that she is going to get a lot of publicity (not that she really needs it) out of this incident, but it's really not what Kanye did that had me steamed--it was the fact that he's such an asshole that he thought it was his right to do it in the first place. And I'm not celebrating his mother's death, for god's sake, I'm saying that I enjoyed seeing this nightmare get punched in the proverbial balls.
I agree with you that Jay Leno is boring and awful, and that NBC is placating the slack-jawed, powdered-cheese encrusted fingers of America The Dumb. But I liked the Kanye thing. Not for the reason that Jay did it, Jay thought that he was being poignant. I liked it because this thing with Taylor Swift is not going to ruin Kanye's career, as it should. (Apparently you have to beat the shit out of somebody for that.) So, maybe I'm spiteful and mean-spirited, but when Jay asked about Kanye's dead mother and Kayne's face dropped, I was glad. Because Kanye West has obviously forgotten the face of his mother.
I used to dubstep. Then I found Jesus and stopped doing PCP.