
In the Disney adaptation, his name is Omi-Moose Vil Lain.
When you die, you get to be on the cover of HARP magazine.
"BOHR-ing" - Alpha nerd
I'm still waiting for someone to teach me how to stow my lunch money in the side pocket of my Roos like a genius.
"You're Pyred!" - Donald Trump, ominously
What?? This isn't the Temptation Island I was expecting!
Muppet Cemetery Boo!! Worst BNPG play ever!
This reminds me of one of my favorite Onion articles of all time:
A running commentary of my mind through this video: 8 seconds: Why hello, handsome guy with a penchant for tasty burgers 10 seconds: NO WEDDING RING??!! BE STILL MY HEART 15 seconds: Oh my LORD we are going to be so happy together this burger-loving stud and I - SO HAPPY 18 seconds: Mrs. TheKelBurrows-Big Mac? Mrs. TheKelMac? Mrs. TheBigKelMacBurrows? Hell, it doesn't really matter. We have our whole lives to figure that out. 20 seconds: Wait! WHO IS THAT BITCH?!?!! 24 seconds: He IS married??? GOD DAMN IT!! I turned off the video at that point. I hope I didn't miss anything good at the end.
We missed you, Frank. Oh so much.
LOVE that commercial. I have a friend who tests medical software for a living and she always enters test patient names as Bob Wehadababyitsaboy. Cool story, I know.
You guys, I'm so sad that we'll never see Oprah again. I mean, not counting, Oprah specials, Oprah the magazine, the Oprah network, Oprah the coloring book, Oprah's choco coco puffs, Oprah oooprah doompadee doo...
In my mind, James Franco majored in "OH FOR THE HUMANITIES JUST STOP IT YOU EXHAUST ME".
More like Le Petit BARFtième, amirite? * - please note, this joke intented to kill 'em dead at the 1900's Belgian comic strip blog that I frequent.
Voted most fun at the Franco family reunion - Generalísimo Franco: OUT James Franco: IN.
Did you guys know that she voiced Trixie the triceratops in Toy Story 3?? My point: Kristen Schaal - any way you spell it you get awesome.
It's Peanut Butter Jelly and Kelly Time! It's Peanut Butter Jelly and Kelly Time!
Does anyone have this guy's phone number? Because I have a quick question for him. And that question is: CAN I TAKE YOU TO *OUR* CINNABON AND MARRY THE SHIT OUT OF YOU FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER???!?!
I bought one of these online at eBay but they shipped me a cheap knock off. The seller was clearly a master bait and switch artist.
He looks more like 76, amirite? PSYCHE!!! Just kidding, friendo. He looks like we was born on the FIRST of May, 1987.
After losing all the vodka, he must have the blues, brother.
Future Yogurt Cup Manufacturers of America.
Today we all truly be awash in the sauce of God. And it is going to be fucking delicious. Good luck, my friend!
Rebuttal: cats get to look like Ron Swanson and dogs do not.
"Huckabeast guest blogging Videogum is the best thing to happen to Nebraska. Ever." - Tom Osborne and also me. Make Dr. Tom proud, Huck!
"Avenge the murder of parents" - Note to self from about 54% of the cliche movie characters Hollywood craps out every year.
You should see him do a leprechan.
"Dances weirdly in the streets with friends" just replaced "owns a scooter" as the number one reason that kid is not going to get laid tonight.
"Our gardenered has a Haute Male account. LOL" - Gwyneth Paltrow
"I guess this opens up more time for Oksana Grigorieva to work on her net game." - Failed jokes from the entertainment news show that I am creating for the Tennis Network.
"Can't I just buy some immortality the next time I'm in town to buy Prada tooth paste for little Apple?" - Gwyneth Paltrow
Those of us who are truly dedicated to our Mexican heritage (and / or the Mexican heritage of our lunch) celebrate this every night not just tonight.
I don't have time to watch this right now, so I'm going to assume Shaggy 2 Dope said "HATED IT" and Violent J awarded it three snaps in a Z formation.
"This thing will be called Story Corpse when I am through with NPR!! Muhahahaha" - John Boehner, probably.
Call me when the rumors start swirling about who will be cast in the adaptation of Hungry Hungry Hippo. SPOILER ALERT: Anne Hathaway is in talks to play that one white ball that you hurl with the full fury of your youthful existance at your upinger brother for being such a little cheating shit head.
Can you name a newspaper NOW, Mrs. Palin? Nope.
I bet you Anne Hathaway will pronounce it "theater" instead of "theatre" and "color" instead of "colour." Americans are the worst!
More like Osama Been Laid-to-Rest, amiright??
Favorite Children's Song: The Farmer in the Infidel