
I am breaking my now LEGENDARY¹ silence. I've been reading Videogum for a really long time², and I have never really commented on anything. I created an account on here a few days before Gabe made a post about sharing our Twitter handles³, and I got into the community that way. I'm @nopurpleshelves FIND ME. This is going to sound really stupid, but I think this Videogum community⁴ is way bigger than a comments section. I've made a lot of friends because of this weird thing thing, and those friendships have become more than wondering what they will say in response to a blog post. I don't even check Videogum all that often anymore. Twice a week or so, I will get on and go through the back pages and whatever jumps out at me, but lately it all feels somewhat forced.⁵ It just feels like sometimes no one has their heart in it, no one (writer or otherwise) is as invested in it. Maybe the reason why I feel that was is that my discovery of Vgum happened at a time I really needed it. My wheels were spinning, and I really wasn't doing much of anything. Now that that has changed, maybe my borderline obsession with the site has becalmed because I don't need it as much.⁶ I will always love Videogum. It has given me literally the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I met, became friends, fell madly in love, and am now moving in with a girl who came to Videogum in much the same way and the same time I did (Hi, @KiriMack!). So. I owe this website everything. IOU, website. I'm constantly weirded out by how tight knit this community⁷ is. I've never encountered anything else like it on the internet, and I mean to tell you I have seen some things on the internet!⁸ Let's all just hug it out, maybe cool it with all the GIFs, and have some coffee. Let's wake it UP, y'all! ¹ Nope. ² Two and one half years is a long time. ³ Twandles ⁴ I really hate using this word. For a brief moment I considered using "quasi-gathering of predominantly like-minded (for the most part) jaded-about-nothing-specific twentysomethings", but then it got TOO REAL. ⁵ Both my reading of the site, and — many times — the writing. ⁶ LOLOLOLOLO I SOUND SO DUMB ⁷ Again, ugh. ⁸ Mostly cute animal videos, but I've managed to avoid 2 Girls 1 Cup and the Chris Crocker kid.
I am breaking my now LEGENDARY¹ silence. I've been reading Videogum for a really long time², and I have never really commented on anything. I created an account on here a few days before Gabe made a post about sharing our Twitter handles³, and I got into the community that way. I'm @nopurpleshelves FIND ME. This is going to sound really stupid, but I think this Videogum "community"⁴ is way bigger than a comments section. I've made a lot of friends because of this weird thing thing, and those friendships have become more than wondering what they will say in response to a blog post. I don't even check Videogum all that often anymore. Twice a week or so, I will get on and go through the back pages and whatever jumps out at me, but lately it all feels somewhat forced.⁵ It just feels like sometimes no one has their heart in it, no one (writer or otherwise) is as invested in it. Maybe the reason why I feel that was is that my discovery of Vgum happened at a time I really needed it. My wheels were spinning, and I really wasn't doing much of anything. Now that that has changed, maybe my borderline obsession with the site has becalmed because I don't need it as much.⁶ I will always love Videogum. It has given me literally the greatest thing to ever happen to me. I met, became friends, fell madly in love, and am now moving in with a girl who came to Videogum in much the same way and the same time I did (Hi, @KiriMack!). So. I owe this website everything. IOU, website. I'm constantly weirded out by how tight knit this "community⁷" is. I've never encountered anything else like it on the internet, and I mean to tell you I have seen some things on the internet! ¹ Nope. ² Two and one half years is a long time. ³ Twandles ⁴ I really hate using this word. For a brief moment I considered using "quasi-gathering of predominantly like-minded (for the most part) jaded-about-nothing-specific twentysomethings", but then it got TOO REAL. ⁵ Both my reading of the site, and — many times — the writing. ⁶ LOLOLOLOLO I SOUND SO DUMB ⁷ Again, ugh.
Now, I'm an actor, and I have done my fair share of musicals. But this kills it. I'm done.
No joke! Today is going to be so good.
This video had been removed from Youtube, thus saving my morning/ entire week.
The second rule of standup comedy is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT STANDUP COMEDY.
I'll see you guys at the hospital! Can't wait!
But there are Topical's to be zing'd all around us! Never fear, that joke always works! Unlike Conan O'Brien until September 1st!
Only when you take that STUPID ARROW OFF YOUR FOREHEAD
This isn't politics, it's an internet website on the ww.internet. Relaxgum, dawg. Jerry Sienfeld is very good at not being very good.
Supersize MY SHORTS, MAN.
BAM. You got sent to Shut Up School.
Such amazing syncopation! Give this girl all the Oscars AND all the Tony's!
Psh, I have been drinking Vitamin Water for two years and have never ONCE turned into a werewolf. False advertising, dudes & dudettes.