
This was me with Captain Jane Way.
I hope it was Seymour Butts.
Once, instead of the real cat I had been asking for, my Parents put a stuffed cat inside a pet carrier and put it under the tree Christmas morning. COOL JOKE, Mom and Dad.
I once employed a Mulder and a Scully who worked at two different places, we never successfully got them to work together, total fail on my part. Failed in a similar fashion with two kids with the last names "Smallwood" and "Woodcock". #badboss
That's what I was able to deduce from the on screen "Is The Universe God?" text. What they were actually talking about is anyone's guess.
Once I watched an episode of Larry King Live on mute at a bar and it was about whether or not the universe was actually god. I'd say that was pretty memorable.
Definitely, especially now that "Marmaduke Explained" has jumped the shark.
I hope in this case "limited release" actually means "straight to DVD.. in Asia".
"If someone asks if you are a dog, you say YES!"
So can we schedule a Videogum outing to see "Motherfucker With A Hat"'s Broadway debut? Anyone? Gabe?
"Let's talk about.. uh.. something else!" should win a Daytime Emmy for best segue.
The League double episode last night also redeemed itself for last weeks sub-par effort. I really like Jenny a lot, kind of refreshing to see a semi-developed female character in a male dominated show about fantasy football. The scene with Ruxon and Ellie when he was dressed as the elf on the shelf was incredible as well "and while you're upstairs I'll call my wolf guy."
I felt the same way as Gabe going into Community, but luckily it ended up being PERFECT. Until the end when my girlfriend made fun of me for crying :(.
Wait a minute, hold the phone, wasn't the entire crux of the first Transformers movie that they had already found Megatron or whatever and had been reverse engineering technology from him for a couple of decades before the moon landing? Mysteries all around us.
Not to mention the fact that it's my birthday! Happy Birthdaygum to me!
Woo! I'm stoked that hungry Prince Fielder made the cut.
Salsa Dog, on the other hand, is VERY real.
Wait, time out, where's Merle?
I think the best line of the night was the camera flashing from the countdown timer saying "4:30" and then cutting to Glenn screaming "THERE'S ONLY FOUR MINUTES LEFT! HURRY". Thanks for the blatantly expository dialogue, fired writers!
Were ALL of these people victim's of Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme, or what?
Last night's Always Sunny was definitely the best of the season, maybe just because I'm a Phillies/baseball geek. Dennis and Charlie getting more drunk than Utley and Howard had ever seen anyone (really though? not even Pat Burrell) then using Charlie's money to drink champagne on a private jet is vintage Sunny. I'm a huge fan of The League but last night's episode fell short, I don't know why, maybe because when they said Pete was born in 1982 I realized all these dudes are the same age as me except way more successful and I dwelled on that to much #oldgum
Keyboard Cat is rolling in his grave.
Even after reading this I still don't remember if I have seen this movie.
What's Eating Gilbert Fig?
It's shocking to me that LiLo isn't in this movie. Isn't she broke? They must not have even offered it to her.
Totally classic gangster switcheroo!
You should do all three Santa Clause movies as one entry.
YouGoGlennCoco was an alternate handle I debated for this site.
"And now I'm blowing off language!" had my rolling.
More like Crybaby Friday amirite?
"I'd experiment with that" "Too small" I think this was the same scene when Liz walked in and Jenna and Tracy were holding mirrors up for each other to look in.
I absolutely LOVE The League and this episode managed to somehow top last weeks. Though I'm getting a little tired of the Taco musical numbers as the episode caps.
I found it kind of odd that out of the 4 shows I watched, 30 Rock was the only one without some kind of celebrity guest star. (unless you count the cast of Outsourced. #Racist)
It's important to compensate for the fact that winter is a barren, jam-free wasteland.