
poor television series must fuck like dog shit.
as much as this show is absolutely horrible and the things that happen during it are of no consequence whatsoever... i nearly jumped out of my seat when that eric killed that roy guy. oh my god he was the WORST.
i just got up from my computer chair to give you a standing ovation.
he already did that!
bruce irons! hey new yorkers, this dude is going to be all up in your state this week for that long beach surf contest.
i think it's because they heard a rumor that FARTMAN was making an appearance.
how about that big 1800-dentist banner at the beginning? i also suspected that this show was nothing more than a DENTAL CONSPIRACY!
i'm guessing he finally got around to watching that best of mike myers SNL dvd he got at the fox news secret santa last year.
i live a half a block from the ocean in jersey. i'm going to watch the destruction. let this videogum comment be my legacy!
to be honest, the property line dispute between ronald and johnny and the subsequent banana tree destruction is probably the most compelling plot line we've seen from entourage so far this season.
when i heard that bloggers line, i truly hoped that it was alan ball getting mad at gabe and the videogum community for not understanding his genius. that guy is probably somewhere rubbing his hands together and making menacing puns as we speak.
in the scene where e slept with sloan's ex-stepmother it wasn't made clear whether or not e fucked like dog shit. poor storytelling right there.
wait a second, people post youtube videos of street fights now!? what is this world coming to!?!?!?!
also, apparently werewolves love to cheers. "to shreveport." "to beating up shifters."
hey remember how this season started with like... a weird fairy civil war? is that just over? never going back there? ok cool.
which comedian is the most self-important bore with extremely veiny arms?
ari's wife started it by wearing that nipple dress to couple's therapy too.
metaphorically speaking, the whole series is basically just communication with or between dildos.
anyone else feel like the absolute contempt for human life shown in the first scene wasn't really that hard for these guys to muster up? OMG BRAIONZ. ICKY.
girlfriend: i read that book. the letter is inaccurate. the african american women do not speak in a dumbed down dialect. They do get verbally abused and they are in fear of sexual harassment. Aibleen, never says "law" instead of lord, and she never says, "you is smat." her character is portrayed as an older wise woman. me: ummmmmm... you're not a historian.
is anyone else really excited to show this letter to their girlfriend who loved this book?
she was caught on a wiretap too? come on.
"poor guy must fuck like dogshit."
those surfboards don't cost $800 to produce. they wouldn't even retail for that much.
how about jessica going all jack shepard at the end there? WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE THE (VAMPIRE) ISLAND.
classic russian title for the video too. "blonde and invisible obstacle." in soviet russia, obstacle jumps you!
dammit, max. the wacky socks are gabe's thing!
hey anne hathaway, dog the bounty hunter called. he wants his sunglasses back.
producing the oscars? poor guy must fuck like dog shit.
honestly, has there ever been a successful movie that didn't involve at least one ape injury during production? i mean... citizen kane, it's a wonderful life, the good the bad and the ugly. how about all of those apes that were beaten on the set of the wizard of oz?
poor peta must fuck like dog shit.
stringer bell was neither a stringer nor a bell. discuss!
the increasingly poor decisions of stringer bell.
goddammit they already made a friday night lights movie. and it was perfect.