
the only movie I've ever seen where the mechanics of time travel actually kind of seem to make logical sense: (it's on netflix instant as "Timecrimes," w/ english subtitles) And I agree, some stuff in Looper made zero sense but it was still a super fun movie.
Kelly, you'll be hearing from my lawyers shortly re: Veebs v. Kelly Forgetting To Link Parks & Rec Bloopers. HOPE U ENJOY JAIL
I honestly think this is what he was dog-whistling, as the 9/11 Truther crew seems to have a lot of overlap with his base of supporters. I took it to mean "my administration wouldn't have engineered a giant murderous conspiracy like Bush's did" and not anything about his isolationist policies preventing terrorists from hating us. Though both readings of this are equally absurd nonsense arguments.
also sorry if you haven't seen Heat and that was a spoiler, but it happens in the first 10 minutes of the film and also WHY HAVEN'T YOU SEEN HEAT?!?!
also a friend pointed this out, so i can't take credit, but anyone else notice this parallel between Heat, which was referenced earlier in the show, and Todd's move to kill the kid? In Heat, Waingro is a new member of Neil McCauley's crew who goes with them on an armored car heist. In the middle of the robbery, right as they're about to get away, he shoots a guard in the head for no reason. The rest of the crew is understandably pissed off, because it's the first time they've done a job with him and he put them at a greater risk of being caught by killing the guard, bringing more heat down on them. Obviously a similar situation with Todd. New guy on the crew, overreacts and kills a witness, potentially bringing more heat down on them.
the thing about the "Jesse quotes" is kind of weird, because I kinda feel the same way this season... it feels almost forced or out of place. But at the same time, they're "Jesse quotes" because his character talks like that, so why should it feel weird for a character to talk like they always have, just because the audience has positively reacted to that way of talking? I think it's more authentic to the world of the show to have him still say dumb shit like "magnets, bitch!" and "it's all about the weight, yo" because that's the way Jesse talks. It'd be even weirder for him to completely change the way he speaks over the course of like one or two months in breaking-bad-time and drop those things completely. So I think it's less Vince Gilligan thinking "gee, I better put in a 'yo' because it's Jesse's catchphrase!" and more "this is how Jesse talks, why wouldn't we write him this way?"
so does Don ultimately tell the partners what happened? Bert Cooper is sort of a doofus, but he'd have to be really dumb to see a suspicious check made out to Lane with Don's signature that Don doesn't remember signing, then find Lane's body hanging in his office two days later, and not realize there's probably a connection between the two. I don't think Don would voluntarily tell everyone about Lane's crime, whether out of respect for Lane's memory or to avoid having to reveal that he kept it a secret from everyone else, but I also don't think he'd lie about it if Bert confronted him.
it was just a professional networking organization, the dude said that he wouldn't be paid but would get a free trip to a conference. Definitely not a "backup job" he could fall back on if he resigned from SCDP
Jumbo's has been surprisingly cleaned up from what it was a few years ago. There are far fewer bruises, cuts and band-aids on the dancers' legs these days.
(just kidding. Eyes Wide Shut is worse)
this is Stanley Kubrick's worst film
Please let this be the plot of National Treasure 3: Bigger Book of Even Secreter Secretz
"God gave the Bill of Rights." For church-going folk they seem pretty misinformed on the Bible, because James Madison isn't mentioned in there anywhere.
There seemed to be someone appearing in the scenes that soured this whole episode. Painful to watch. (FTFY)
fwiw, I don't think it's fair to criticize her for not memorizing lines since the performers are encouraged to read the lines off the cue cards... they're changing the scripts all the way up to air, so it makes sense to have them read off the cards. It's still totally fair to criticize her for being super terrible at reading the cue cards, having absolutely no comic timing, begging to host the show for no reason, and not having done anything good since 2003, though.
He's stealing bits from Tom Green! Can we get Joe Rogan involved somehow?
while most of the things Gabe highlighted from the article were not actual direct Ricky Gervais quotes, this is the final paragraph of the article and is TOTALLY a Ricky Gervais quote and it TOTALLY obnoxious and smug and needlessly dismissive and self-promotional and arrogant: “I do the Golden Globes like some people play golf on a Saturday,” he said. “It’s fun, but it can’t affect me because come Monday morning, I’ll be writing a new stand-up show or I’ll be writing a new TV show or I’ll be writing a new film. So it’s not exactly bravery.” ugh. (still excited for Life's Too Short, though)
I wood love to win these. Get it?! I used "wood" instead of "would." Please choose this comment at random.