
WHOA! Denver bands are getting some representation! Finally the world will know there is more to our music scene than the Fray.
that was surprising. I can't wait to hear more.
Yeah, this band really knows how to program a good setlist. Makes for a good playlist.
Jovanotti! Friggin' sick. Do people in America even listen to him?
I really like the Maurizio Nannucci reference in Dig a Little Deeper. I love that saying.
I love when Stereogum posts a "Best of" list because I usually get about four or five more "best of" lists from the comments left by people who disagree with them.
Wow, this is really catchy. I was expecting mostly root-chasing on the bass, but I was impressed. Looks like Michael Cera is good at playing bass, as well as awkward teenagers.
Well, folks, this marks the point where so called 'indie' music becomes mainstream. Wait, can't something be both indie and mainstream? Those two terms aren't contradicting are they? Independent and popular?
I like that they use stop-motion in the Honda commercial... perhaps trying to draw a connection to A-Punk music video?
Wow, her voice is so amazing. I love that nothing is lost in her live performance.
Red Rocks is in Morrison, about an hour and a half from Boulder. Just an insignificant correction, but I thought I'd let you know.
I like this, but I have always liked Freelance Whales. I kind of wish they had used more live instruments and less synths, but I can't complain, they did manage to through in a cool time signature.
I had to wake up early to catch an international flight, and this song just woke me the fuck up. I am gonna be rocking this track for a long time. I am glad that you have the download.
Wow, Amrit, you really tore them a new one, right off the bat.
Wow! They sounded really good here. I guess the touring really helped. This may sound better than the album version.
I'm not quite sure why, but I really liked this.
and this was truly awful. The sound was just off or something.
Here's the deal. Listen to the music you like. Artists have been getting paid to make music forever. Composers would name pieces after the kings and queens that paid them. I'm sure they even changed what they wore to fit the needs of where the money was. Hell, they would even relocate and live with the people they composed for. Ever since there has been music, there has been "selling out." If a band is good, people will start to like them, and then people with money will try to prophet off of them. They're not "whore's to money." How would you feel if somebody came into your job, where you work to make a living, and gave you shit for getting paid to do it. It isn't an American ideal, it isn't even a Western ideal. People just like to be able to live and live comfortably. Also, every band you listen to would kill for an opportunity like this, and if they say they wouldn't, they're lying. I'm sure there isn't much that they feel they need, but they'd all be down for a proper house.
I love it. It is weird that converse is putting this much into an ad, but I am glad they're doing it.