
But does YOUR dad look like Biker Becks?
Are you Doobie Keebler?
In all seriousness though I am sad for whatever happened to this person as a child.
When I lived in Montreal there was a schoolbus full of hippies that was parked on our street for a while. They had illegally tapped into a nearby power transformer and the smell on the entire street was absolutely surreal. When they finally drove away there was a huge, nasty stain on the road where the bus had been. It lasted several months. Do not live on a bus.
I remember when I found out that Cumberbatch is a natural ginge and suddenly so much about his face was explained
You certainly have a lot of vaginas
I spent hours reading all of that. Mesmerizingly terrible.
I don't know who this is either but I desperately wish he'd been part of my childhood now. Also that we could be best friends. I remember being a kid and thinking that Mr. Dressup was kind of a flake.
The fuck, it's on the front page of but when you click it says "this video is not available" ... I can only imagine this is because it's crashed due to all the Canadian CK fans desperately trying to rescue their estimation of him? (Guilty)
I'm consistenly impressed with Nye's ability to avoid getting derailed from his message by all these bullshit anchors' tactics. They make it really hard but he just ignores their ad hominem crap and puts aside the temptation to defend himself on national TV in favour of saying the science part straight up. Go Bill, you show 'em.
I liked the implication that Carol can't read a graph
Whoa hold up, did your username use to be 'lilbobbyTALES' or have I just literally been reading it wrong for the last, like, two years?
Out of curiosity, what did Seinfeld say about not cursing?
Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Space, but close
There's a giant mofo spider that hangs across the part of my bedroom window that I keep open at night. I've decided I'm totally okay with this because it's like an extra screen against anything that would actually want to fly in.
There are some incredible mis-hearings in that marnie-charlie exchange. Better than the original!
Actual quote from the NYMag subway-pushing article: “I think my [recently deceased] mom saved me,” she told the Daily News, in a moving quote that we nonetheless hope the classmates who actually saved her didn't read.
It sounds exactly like the robot voice from Portal, which is.... less than not terrifying
Rich Juzwiak has a weepy Southern cousin?
"People like you"
I will always log in to upvote Newsradio
Double burn on McHale's "Emmytones" turn
I feel like I must have missed something that everyone else seems to mysteriously know about, but where was Community in this?
This might be worse than the Chris Brown comment
I see we're all just pretending this didn't happen.
Okay wrong thread. I'll show myself out.
Oh my goodness.
Those pert, smug little bitches!
Where are all the concern trolls at who think that anything short of making fat people want to kill themselves is "encouraging people to be unhealthy"? Look, a skinny dude encouraging people to be unhealthy! Yay! Give him prizes! Oh and to answer my own question, they're busy shame-masturbating into big mac wrappers out of self hate.