
Or that episode of Futurama. Beware the Bermuda Tetrahedron.
I love Tim Thomas, and I am all for people expressing their opinions in manners they see fit, but the degree to which he voices those opinions is egregiously disproportionate to how much of a shit I give about what he's saying. Got eat some Chik-fil-A, Tim Thomas, and be a good goalie.
My mother most assuredly would not like Daniel Tosh. "Why does he show such terrible videos?! *gasp* That's terrible!" she would say.
Four out of five dentists can't sit through this video without screaming in abject terror.
Appropriate, Kelly. Your description of the Wooden Spoons sketch as "perfect" is spot on.
On tape, from my laptop in my bed, it's Sunday Afternoon!
Hey, Anne Heche was pretty good in "John Q."… Where's her hip hop ode?
"Holy shit!" – nerds in 1998
This is getting deep: What is a person? What defines personhood? A body? A brain? LEARNING.
WARNING: SPORTS REFERENCE AHEAD. Shut up, Tim Thomas. I really really love you, but its best to keep quiet behind those pipes. That is all.
No Robot Uprising tag? I, for one, welcome our cool shaded, three handed, short con robot overlords.
"Oh hey, you guys are rebooting the Brady Bunch?"
Based on the novel Push, by Saphire.
"If she doesn't cut that shiite, sunni will be leaving her." - Lord Pun of Punnington Abbey (a.k.a. me)
RIP Ass Dan
You ever seen someone from afar and think, "Wow, I bet I know what you smell like." And it turns out, yes, they smell exactly like you think they smell? Rotting foodstuff and unwashed hair? It turns out, all of those people… they all get together in (SURPRISE!) Illinois.
Well, at the very least we can expect another SNL parody this fall? I have nothing to add but this gif from the ESPYs. Oh look everyone, it's my husbands Joel McHale and Rob Riggle seesawing.
Thank god. I know I was very upset about it. Very upset about real things that matter, HBO.
Lindsey Lohan turning her life around. Step one: do a photo shoot with a gun in her mouth; step two: enjoy fame and respect again.
I think "unbearable" is a strong word. It seems most everyone on the show was really upset to see him leave (not Chevy, natch), so I can't feel like he was unpopular.
He even made a song about it!
Ah, yes, this. That was a monumentally touching moment, and I would have loved to live in it just a moment longer. Couple that moment with the "I never wrote a concession speech" scene, it's really the best comedy on television.
"You ever notice white presidents president like this……… And black presidents president like this?"
You shouldn't METH with the cops, they know what they're doing!
I love how non-chalant he is about telling everyone there's bears in the backyard. "And I'm being told that Bill's not out there because there's bears in the backzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…" "Oh, yeah, bears again. That'll happen. NBD." – everyone watching
What's there left to say about Mel Gibson that Mel Gibson hasn't already shouted deafeningly at someone else?
"What the fuck is this chick doing?!" - Japan
It's 2012, FT. Product placement. Or something.
I will pay (more) money to watch Jason Bateman punch a Mickey Mouse statue in the face.
What bothers me more, if I may digress, is ALL the actors on the show have really outgrown it. Like The Office is preventing them from moving on to bigger/better projects. Think of one person who couldn't be better utilized on something new.
The Office can't take any more. I can't take any more Office. It's time.
Lost in the ether, Artoo.
A double-A blooper at best.
If you'll forgive me for being a bit off color, his insistence of ignoring the obvious blooper reminds me of a rather famous XTube video. Normal video of a guy in his computer chair (nice use of the word "normal," DSN), but right as he reaches the, um, crescendo, he falls off the chair. But he keeps on going, still making eyes at the camera while, er, finishing up. Cool story bro.
I meant that Oscar has this huge soft spot for movies about movies. Nostalgia carries a lot of weight with these guys, it seems. This isn't anything new, but this year typifies it. Just look at the two winningest films, The Artist and Hugo - films about the making of and history off and the magic that is movies.