
That seems like a cheat to make a normal omelet and then put $800 worth of caviar on it to make it the world's most expensive. I'm going to start serving the world's most expensive Caesar salad, which will be a normal Caesar salad topped with several crisp $100 bills.
"What is Words with Friends?" is our generation's "I don't have a TV"
Yeah, but what about the extra orange soda and the extra chocolate milk?
No joke, I love it when Gabe walks down memory lane. The only thing that would make it better is if he tells a story about college that involves balancing many tiny glasses of various beverages on his tray in the dining hall. It gets me every time because 1) every single guy in my college's dining hall had no less than 4 tiny glasses on his tray at all times 2) I felt like a crazy person because I was the only one who noticed this. Why do you need so many drinks???
I really love your dog
Guys, his name is Jonathan from Buffy. Get it right!
I really hope Apple's teenage rebellion involves a juggalo phase
Hate to break it to you, but I think that's more than slightly inappropriate
Like fondue cheddar said, the fact that he is a white man automatically puts him in a position of privilege in our society and he mistakes that privilege as proof that he is qualified to legislate everyone else, even though he is a dangerous, backward moron with a terrible grasp of basic biology.
This man is bad at his job and he needs to be fired.
That would be down, actually. Since he was presumably employed while filming the movie. Unless he did it for free!
No mention of the Topher Grace cameo??? Finally we know what is up with him!
It's funny because he should have read Speak, Memory instead! LULZ
Oh my God, he is the human equivalent of Chester from Sifl and Olly
Just gonna put this here...
I'm sorry, but this baby is a genius of non-verbal communication. The depressed shrug, the collar-pull when she suggests taking it off, the arm waving... I am amazed!
REALLY? Of all the places to take your augmented reality girlfriend on a date, you had to pick a PLAYGROUND?
Magic Mike was so good! I was not such a fan of Channing Tatum before, but he really does have a preternatural talent for erotic dance.
That soul mate video was a cute idea, but the math was dubious. He said that of the 4% of the world's population he has met, 88% don't speak English well. One would presume that more than 12% of the people this American dude has met in his life speak English. Get it right, you nerd! This is why I have no soul mate, btw. Because I pick apart the math in whimsical video love letters.
You wouldn't understand with your more empathetic female mind. Only men who are more rooted in logic can understand basic statistics.
It's spider boners now, I think
I was prepared to hate this show out of sheer envy because Lena Dunham was in one of my classes in college and she is now famous. Plus she's younger than I am. The world is unfair. However, it really, really grew on me! The characters are horrible and self-involved and exactly like I was at 23. And, like others have said, watching things and going, "Ugh, I used to be awful!" is great fun! Also, I think it's really funny. I literally LOLed at the tongue touching line last night.
I'm pretty sure she put up with his shit because he was insanely hot
Vomitoriums were not places that Romans went to throw up, they are passage ways located under stairs that large crowds could use to exit quickly (the root of the word vomitorium means, "to spew forth," much like a crowd after a show) Sorry to be an pedantic jerk! At least I'm not a famous billionaire saying that poor people should kill themselves!
I know! Baby, stop sticking your thumbs in that puppy's eyes!
I prefer "homance"
I knew it! I knew that the guy from the Killing was secretly hot! Thank you, "Lola Versus!"
Agreed on all counts- those are both great movies! I am a big Smiley Face fan, myself.
This whole thread would be so great if you really were Gerard Depardieu
I'm getting rid of the B (She's a no good B)
It's a shame he feels that way, because the phrase "labia saturation" certainly could be worked into a medium-good period joke.
I'm kind of a Theon Greyjoy girl, myself.
I’m prepared if the NAACP invites me, I’ll go to their convention and talk about why Newt Gingrich should demand an end to all the subtly and overtly racist comments of his own party and not be satisfied with fake outrage over non-racist, reverse racism jokes by Robert DeNiro
This is disappointing, because I would watch the fuck out of a movie inspired by Steve Winwood
Come on, there has to be a Deuteronomy episode where they celebrate ox muzzling and the uncleanliness of menstruating women!
I love it when they try to use their paws as hands. Silly dog- you can't get that ball! You have no dexterity!
My dog does that too, but instead of a pool, it's the abyss under the couch. And then when he can't use his paws to get the ball out, he looks at you and cries until you get it for him. And then once he has his ball, he pushes it under the couch again and the whole process is repeated.