
So weird- I actually saw a Michael Ian Black for the first time last week! At a book signing, where he signed my book.
The lack of The Craft references thus far is extremely disappointing!!!
Oh, I went to high school with Michael Mitnick. He was really into magic tricks. That is all.
HAHAHAHA, that synopsis is ridiculous and it sounds like it was written by Mac from Always Sunny
This is great! Now if only Obama would say the same thing about people saying he's Muslim.
Same, right down to cradling my head in shame after ducking under the desk
Yeah, the show about comedy where people say "that's funny" instead of laughing and where a Gilbert and Sullivan spoof is considered to be cutting edge satire
I was with you until Studio 60. That show belongs on the garbage pile.
Has anyone here ever had a Nielsen box? I have never known or heard of a single person who had one, except for that one episode of Roseanne. I feel like it's something they only give to people who have landlines.
I just got chills reading that.
"That's not how you pour soup, you asshole!"
The reason why no one appreciated her specialness is because she's not special. People who are convinced of their uniqueness and specialness are a dime a dozen.
You know, I know that Wes Anderson movies are kind of one note, but I still really like them. Probably because I just want to go live in that universe or at the very least, have W.A. pick out all my clothes, accessories, hairstyles, and home furnishings.
Adam Scott in the Letters to Cleo shirt and Doc Martens? High school me was SWOONING.
It is important to me that I get to do what I want at all times, and I want to upvote this comment a million times!
From the article: "For her 30th birthday two summers ago, 'House of Lies' star Kristen Bell went all out to show her 'Games' love -- up to and including dressing up like Katniss Everdeen. " Breaking news! From two summers ago!
Even more evidence of GP's barely concealed scatological obsession. First she names her website Goop, then she constantly talks about cleanses and the state of her bowels, now she comes up with her OWN cleanse (with some component named "Move," gross). The woman is obsessed with poop!
Ghost sperm factors in as major plot device. How can anyone not think this is camp?
I mean, it's just so ridiculous that there are gay people in other countries not getting murdered when there are children right here in America being forced to say "happy holidays" instead of "merry Christmas."
Kelly, any time Gabe brings up You Can Count on Me, just be like, "Six Feet Under." And you should say it exactly the way Noxeema Jackson says "Your mother" in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar
Steve Winwood: Always there to tell you when your feelings are lame, so you don't have to guess.
I know the credits were in a foreign language, but I really enjoy how Ron Weasley was presented as OG Rupert Grint. Original Gangster!
Not enough Britta last night!
I like the Margaret Cho version. I guess this is a really common occurrence among comedians?
People who are successful in their careers get that way because they yell at their underlings all the time.
To one Leonardo DiCaprio to another
This gif is making me feel some feelings.
Maybe on opposite day.
Who else has been playing Kiss From a Rose on a constant loop all morning? Just me?
You know it's a good week for animal videos when a baby covered in puppies is only number NINE!!!!
Sofia Coppola: Incredibly lavish set, but everyone there is unimpressed because they are rich and dead inside. Gift bags include a previously unknown pre-teen daughter who teaches you to feel again. Soundtrack by Air.
Jon Ronson has they most soothing, mellifluous voice. I always feel calmer after listening to him, even (especially!) when he's talking about psychopaths
Yay!!! Thank you!
I would like to request a gif of Andy moving Ben's lips for him at the party, please! That was my favorite part of the night!
I really, really like this interpretation
The dog thing was sweet, but it made me think of this and I got angry about that stupid finale all over again.
Guys, they left Alan Tudyk's name off the list. Clearly, that is just a typo, right?
Gabe, you left out the part where you put the orange juice, regular milk, orange soda, cola, root beer, Sprite, and water in tiny glasses and balance them on your tray because the glasses in the dining hall are so small!