Cloud Nothings – Here And Nowhere Else (Carpark/Mom + Pop)

Cloud Nothings – Here And Nowhere Else (Carpark/Mom + Pop)

Give me a recording of Cloud Nothings’ Jayson Gerycz drumming along to a click-track, and I could listen to it for hours, bare-boned. When Tom elected Here And Nowhere Else as Album Of The Week back in April, he too was fixated on this element of Cloud Nothings’ fourth album. There is something almost grossly ambitious about Gerycz’s technique that illuminates Here And Nowhere Else as an experiment in achieving optimum balance. Lead singer Dylan Baldi’s voice is almost grating, but anything more delicate would make the band’s punctual delivery sound less ferocious, tamer. Lyrically, Here And Nowhere Else could be considered angst-ridden, but all eight songs on the record pocket a kind of intensity that transforms sulking in the corner into an act of rebellion. –Gabriela [LISTEN]