6. Slayer

6. Slayer


As thrash metal’s most evil-obsessed representatives, Slayer’s rider from the 2011 Fun Fun Fest reads about as you’d expect. Sure, Gorgoroth asked for 50 sheep heads, but Slayer ups the ante, requesting 100 snow-white goats for slaughter. Sensibly, though, they also request a Halal butcher to slaughter the goats, as well as freezer bags and coolers to preserve the goat until the band can get it home to slow-roast it for tacos (that’ll be a shitload of tacos, but hey, evil dudes have evil appetites). And to ensure they don’t get the blood on them during the slaughter, they’d like Totes brand “blood-proof” umbrellas. But lest you get the wrong impression about these guys, they go on to request yoga ball chairs (black, of course), a Lite-Brite for each band member, 10 cases of Gogurt, newsprint paper and “those markers that smell like cool stuff,” and both hand sanitizer and hand satanizer. You can’t be too careful! In case there was any question whether this part of the rider was a joke or not, they would also like two shoeboxes to hide their Grammy awards with special instructions to not write “Grammys” on the box. It’s good to know you can write “Angel of Death” and still have a sense of humor.

See the full rider here.