The Videogum Why Don’t You Caption It? Contest: Crying Bill Murray With Crying Baby

The Videogum Why Don’t You Caption It? Contest: Crying Bill Murray With Crying Baby

Can you imagine the built-in anecdote this baby is going to have for the rest of his life? Any time Billy Murray or a Billy Murray movie is brought up in conversation with new people he will be free to say, “Oh, ha-ha, one time when I was a baby [he can work on the anecdote for sure, he doesn’t have to use this one word for word] I met Bill Murray. Like, as far as a baby can actually meet anyone, you know? Hah. But, you know how he would always do those things…I mean, maybe you don’t. Who knows what the present [future] is like, but in the past [present] it was well-known that Bill Murray often went to random parties and posed for pictures with random people that would always make it online. It kind of toed the line between something funny and nice — like he was having fun with his celebrity in the way that lots of us imagine we’d like to if we were ever to become famous — and something that seemed a little weird. You know? Maybe you don’t. Anyway, it was kind of like that. I was crying and he made a crying face and the photo went viral for a bit. Hah. Hahah. I know, it’s super weird.” HE CAN SAY THAT EXACT THING TO EVERYONE, FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE, WHENEVER HE’S FEELING AWKWARD AND DOENS’T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY! Ugh, super jealous of this baby. Oh so anyway, why don’t you caption them?

Winner will receive special placement in this week’s Monsters’ Ball. (Full-sized crying after the jump.)

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