Don’t Even Worry, Guys, The World Is Still Spinning

Don’t Even Worry, Guys, The World Is Still Spinning

Found this little beauty on the E! website (hat tip @kellyconaboy) to illustrate the following headline: “Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Killed; Manhunt Ongoing for Accomplice, City on Lockdown—Celebs React” CITY ON LOCKDOWN — CELEBS REACT. Celebs react. I AM ABOUT TO REACT! Nuts. We are nuts. I genuinely hope and pray for the safety of the people of Boston, but I want everyone at E! to get just a little bit of food poisoning. Nothing too serious, but definitely some vomiting AND diarrhea. Celebs react. ARGO FUCK YOURSELF. Incidentally, it’s not even like E! went out and asked celebs how they were holding up and whether or not they had any friends or family in Boston and if everyone was OK. It’s just a ROUND UP OF CELEBRITY TWEETS. Holy moly. Billy Corgan was right, though, the world IS a vampire. OBVIOUSLY OUR THOUGHTS ARE WITH ELIZA DUSHKU’S SOCIAL MEDIA FANS DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME. Then again, I guess it’s kind of reassuring. Like, how bad could it be? The photo makes it look kind of bad, but then also Alec Baldwin in-set LOL. It reminds you that the world is just going to keep doing what the world does best: be horrible most of the time, with tiny little glimpses of brightness and joy. Why am I even criticizing E! anyways? They are just being E! Would I criticize the sun or the rain for ROUNDING UP CELEBRITY TWEETS ABOUT AN ON-GOING TERRORIST NIGHTMARE? Maybe. Today maybe yeah actually. Celebs react. #America

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