
Well what I wrote is mostly true, 99% of it actually but The Smashing Pumpkin did start out on an indie label but they went to a major before they even released an album so my "Eh fuck it, everything I said is bullshit. Ignore it." comment really meant, I don't care about this very much, fuck it.
Eh fuck it, everything I said is nonsense. Ignore it.
Can't that be said for even mainstream music? The part about a few transcendent albums? I can name a handful that were really influential in the 90's. Nirvana, Sound Garden etc. In fact, there was far more interesting music being made at the time but most people never heard it. When you say transcendent do you mean popular or quality music? I ask because have heard many GREAT albums recently from bands like The National, Deerhunter, Radiohead and though none of them would be considered "transcendent" they were damn good. In fact someone of the best music I've ever heard has been released in just the last few years.
Did he just say that he helped create alternative culture? Unless he warped into 1993 from a decade earlier that gave us The Smiths or even later bands like The Field Mice and The Pastels id have to say that he's delusional. What he did is COMMERCIALIZE alternative music but he seems to think that he helped alternative music by doing that, well he didn't. There were other less popular bands without major label backing that created the alternative culture and music that you helped major labels commercialize during the grunge phase, the smashing pumpkins had NOTHING to do with the formation or credibility of alternative culture or music. Selling records and being on MTV does not make you more important than anyone else especially when you have some corporation that helps you do it. Maybe the indie community are just well aware that your band was never really part of that community. Nirvana gets a pass because though Nirvana left an indie label for a major they never embraced the mainstream music business the way that The Smashing Pumpkins did, the same goes for Radiohead.
I wonder why he rants about indie rock when he was never into indie in the first place. He and his band were the product of some major label that was looking for a hit. Just go away.
He has a nasally annoying voice and he seems to think that he's better than he really is. He would probably site his "hit" billboard charting records as a reason for thinking that he's so great but when you're in the company of Ke$ha and LMFAO having a hit record says nothing about the quality of your music.The only thing that having a hit record means is that your record label has a good marketing team and the ability to get your music played on the radio.
Didn't he recently say that he doesn't know anyone that still listens to albums? What does he know about anything?
I have not watched that stupid awards show in over a decade and I certainly don't intend to start watching it now. Why are you on stereogum if you watch MTV? I assume that most people on this blog are here because they can't find good music on places like MTV, so if you're satisfied with MTV and thus satisfied with what you hear on the radio why are you here?
Good to know this guy is a dick. It's not enough for him to dislike a book, he has to publicly voice his personal opinion to put someone else down. Cloud Nothings plays shit music anyway, maybe form a good band and then you can criticize someone.
“I’m attacking the pomposity that says this is more valuable than that.” Followed by, “This value system that says Jonny Greenwood is more valuable than Ritchie Blackmore. Not in the world I grew up in, buddy. Not in the world I grew up in.” Someone sounds like a hypocrite.
"I’m attacking the pomposity that says this is more valuable than that." Followed by, "This value system that says Jonny Greenwood is more valuable than Ritchie Blackmore. Not in the world I grew up in, buddy. Not in the world I grew up in." Someone sounds like a hypocrite.
He's probably angry because in the alternative world all of his billboard charting singles don't mean a damn thing. He seems to think that selling records affords artists some level of respect, oh please.
He should give examples before he calls people out like that.
Sorry buy anyone that thinks Bloom sounds ANYTHING like Teen Dream doesn't have a clue what they're talking about. Bloom sounds laid back and lush whereas Teen Dream sounds more dark in both song and lyric. As far as Beach House sounds like other bands? Who sounds like Beach House? Victoria LeGrands voice is one of a kind, I listen to a lot of music and I have heard no one that sounds like Beach House. If someone were to ask me who they sound like I could never give them an example, I'd just have to say that it's dream pop.
Indie = Alternative. When Indie first began the bands involved did have a relative sound, jangly guitar melodies, no real guitar solos ... like the Smiths. When indie bands sign with major labels they still make the same music their peers make so they are still considered indie. The reason that some bands sound nothing alike is because Indie rock has various sub genres, there's indie pop, lo fi, dream pop, post punk, shoegaze, etc. These all fall under the umbrella of Indie rock or alternative or whatever you want to call it.
by Cocteau Twins, check it out.
You could have learned that by listening to Heaven or Las Vegas.
Glad Beach House didn't try to "grow" with this record. As a musician i think it's best to always do what you're good at and to do it well. Just like in life, know your role and play it well, nothing else really matters.
Best to worst? No way the entire album is good. "Running to Stand Still", "Trip through your wires", "One Tree Hill". The album has AT LEAST 7 classics.
The vocals are supposed to be drowned in sound, the mix is pretty bad. Oh well, at least Alexis did a great job.
Yeah, I agree with the other posters, why is the sound on the guitar so low? Good performance nonetheless
Similar? This or Born to Lose sound nothing like anything on Treats. Treats focused a lot on thumping beats, this and Born to Lose seem to be more guitar driven.
Well, the only thing "unheavy" about their music is Alexis' voice but that juxtaposition is what makes them sound good.
Lady Gaga is a pop star, she never claimed to be anything different. Personally I like her, she writes her own music, she can play piano and she talks and sings about more than the average pop star. Of course if she didn't do these things you'd tear her down as another fake pop star but since she does do these things you tear her down as another fake wannabe real musician. You're just a hater, simple as that. Haters gonna hate.
Her recorded work isn't that great either, not bad but not great. Sounds somewhat generic to me and inauthentic.
"We" aren't hoping to do anything. I lose a little more faith in humanity every time I read a post on the forum as irrelevant and off point as yours and there's no such thing as a "music internet". You seem to be a very assumptive person, you know the kind that uses the word pretentious do describe everything that they personally dislike. Why don't you go to another forum and berate other people.