
I got SOMEONE named Serena Van DER Woodsen which means SHIT ALL to me, so I WENT TO her wikipedia PAGE, BECAUSE THAT IS a thing that SOMEONE has exhaustively made, AND THAT shit is basically THE SILMARILLION for all I know. AND IRL LOL at "Are you a weed addict?"
WHO ARE these people THAT don't need fuckin CHEESEBURGERS?
I AIN'T ever even WATCH THIS shit, but I LOVE SOME pizza.
LASTEST indication THAT I'M FUCKING old was MY thought: "WHAT? GABE is now telling PEOPLE NOT to jerk IT? WELL I guess you don't WANNA end up just PULLING rope... OOOOOOOOOH."
I COULDN'T even read this FUCKING thing because "Chumbawumba, y’all!" might BE THE funniest fucking THING I'VE ever heard.
Eric, UH a "second WORLD" nation is a thing that existed during THE COLD WAR AS the terms "first world" and "THIRD world" arose DURING this period as WELL. THOSE TERMS have now been grafted ONTO the economic STATUS OF a State, but prior to THAT the "First world" was THE UNITED States and its DEVELOPED Allies, THE "Second world" was the USSR and IT'S SOVIET SCUM BUDDIES, while the "Third world" WERE THE undeveloped and unoccupied spaces ON THE RISK board ripe FOR THE taking. This was A MEANS of developing THE WORLD into three categories BASED on political IDEOLOGY. With the FALL of the USSR (because DUH USA), the terms all fell OUT OF vogue and conversation GRAFTED them onto the economic status of NATIONS BECAUSE the Second World no LONGER "existed." Basically, DEVELOPED AND developing countries are MUCH better TERMS than that HORSESHIT.
HOW I wish to RESPOND to this whole FUCKING thread:
A WELCOME from Gary would've BEEN WAY better. Where'd HE GO? I heard he HAD A GREAT McKayla Maroney IMPRESSION.
HEY Mary! DON'T FUCK up or TEST us. OTHERWISE I look forward 2 the LOLs!
That's SOME ROBOT 2.0 shit. HAPPY thanksgiving, Y'ALL!
WHATEVER it means, it MEANS that I miss MANS.
HEY, I'M still fucking HERE, buddy.
BUY CHRISTMAS gifts. Support THE economy. 24/7.
YOU BEST bet YOUR fucking KNOT, it does.
YOUR head would LOOK good on THE END of A pole.
I THOUGHT it was fucking HILARIOUS that one guy in THE CNN panel was TALKING ABOUT how great it was that ROMNEY WAS pivoting to the FUCKING center despite what HE SAID IN THE last two debates. SO THEN I looked that ASSHOLE up and WOOPS this is an actual AD HE MADE: EVERYTHING is a nightmare, AND DESPAIR is the only CONSTANT.
HAVING SEEN this GIF ages ago, it's funny to FINALLY SEE where the FUCK this nightmare WAS born.
I'm just GOING TO leave this BEAUTIFUL LITTLE piece here:,29734/,29734/ ALTHOUGH the fact that THEY COMPARE her to FUCKIN SNOOKIE is nightmarish on ITS own.
AND SINCE they cost OVER A FUCKING hundred BUCKS, you can CONTINUE to feel self-satisfied TOO!
KATE, I'm sorry. IF YOU'RE ever in TEXAS, I'LL buy you dinner TO MAKE IT up to you. NO DATEO.
"Bush won not because I didn’t vote Democrat, but because the Democrats didn’t earn my, and a lot of other people’s, vote." EH, yeah. BUT EITHER way we still GOT TWO terms of BUSH.
THERE'S a difference?
LOOK, I see this A DECENT amount, but it's a shitty EXCUSE. Dude is IN FULL CAMPAIGN mode. He should've been FUCKING READY to get going. HE'S BEEN hitting the TV SHOW circuits and ALL that nonsense. HE SHOULD'VE been prepping to GET nasty in the DEBATES during that.
"WHEN the weed IS ASHES... you have MY PERMISSION to munch. WAIT, WHAT movie is this from?"
HI, I'D like to welcome you TO THE AMERICAN (growingly GLOBAL) capitalistic SYSTEM WHERE you're soul WAS SOLD the second you WERE BORN AND WHEN YOU willingly go ALONG WITH THE it, you are only PERPETUATING A CYCLE of destruction, VIOLENCE, AND consumption, and IF YOU GO against it YOU ARE ONLY legitimizing those SYSTEMS BY placing yourself in A PRE-EXISTING STATE of (EXPECTED) exception that STANDS IN OPPOSITION to them. EITHER way you ARE FUCKED, and there's nothing YOU CAN do. Just buy THE DAMN comedy album AND LAUGH.
ALSO, I'M SORRY I'm replying to MYSELF, but I think the main takeaway was AT THE end of the film when Dodds said "If you find out how to live without a master, come tell us because you'll be the first man to do so" OR WHATEVER. That shit OPENED IT up, and the more I thought about that STATEMENT the more I though "FUCK" and then needed to WRITE TO homeboy Judge Vilhelm to TALK about choosing the SELF IN its infinity.
THAT SOUNDS fucking awful. Lynch definitely HAS A great sense of HUMOR, but Eraserhead isn't EXACTLY one of his films that's full OF IT. I'd say the HUMOR DIDN'T really come out until HIS TWIN PEAKS days. I MEAN, it's still sort of there, but it's definitely NOT "HAHA!" as much as it is LATER on.