
Stay away from the internet today if you don't want to be spoiled. People are freaking out.
Did you draw that yourself? If so, you MIGHT be qualified to get a correspondence degree in ART!
I think it should be Katy Perry as Kathy Beth Terry . #callbacksgum
I'm pretty sure this guy is the grown up verion of the birthday bike kid, but instead of crying everytime he sees a bike he cries about everything else.
Related to the last question: do you ever forget that you are basically a giant? You are like 3 feet taller than everyone else on Luther!
Can you please be on Game of Thrones with all your other British friends?
Is this the right place to nominate the movie based on James Carville and Mary Matalin meeting and getting married for the Hunt? I have never seen the movie, and have no opinions on its quality as a stand alone work, but for the contribution that movie made towards keeping those two goblins in the public eye I believe it must be addressed.
As stated above, I am perfectly willing to help them consume the alcohol and cigarettes so that they don't get sick.
I was going to agree with you because it looked silly, but they had 10 stacks of $20 bills in there, so I'm guessing they had around $10k in cash. Not as impressive of a visual as they were going for, but still a good chunk of change.
I'm calling bullshit "repurposing" cigarettes and booze for something other than their intended original purpose. Why would you do that? I could have used those!
May I suggest "Your Love" by the Outfield as a replacement song? Bon Iver does an awesome cover of it.
I DO generally have Today on in the morning, just because my head hasn't properly de-fuzzed by 7AM, but today Meredith Viera's leaving was identified as the third most important news event of the day (#2 was Anthony Weiner, I think #1 was how hot it is in New York). That nonsense got me right up out of bed.
I'm not going to agree with you, because I don't, but I will add that without Katy Perry we wouldn't have the Los Colorados Ukranian public tv cover of Hot & Cold which is sublime.
I'm sure Katy Perry's marketing people know better than I do, but are today's 13 year olds really into ill-fitting jean vests and/or full sleeve pink turtlenecks worn on a hot summer day?
I'm guessing, and this is just a guess, that maybe the point of the documentary is that there is more to the story than that.
That is very weird. Not as weird as the one lady who collected dead ferrets from all of her friends and stored them in her freezer (along with her human food) until she could get a bulk discount from the pet cremation place, but still very weird.
Salt 2: these sequels are making me thirsty.
This video makes me glad they haven't invented smell-o-vision yet.
You smurfed so much! #WWII Reassurances.
I am much more inclined to believe that Antoine Buéno, 33, a lecturer at Paris’ prestigious Sciences Po political sciences school, is actually a racist charicature of a french intellectual created by Gabe to play on our preconceived notions of 33 year old french intellectuals as pretentious ridiculous wierdos. I mean, come on, look at that picture!
I understand that we are all human, and we all have our foibles and secrets and such. All I ask is that a media hound like Weiner, who has done his best to make himself something of a spokesman for my "team" at least be discrete. Obviously he has been sending his dick shots around the internet long enough for Breitbart and crew to get a hold of it and to wait for the right opportunity. Like hellsbells posted below, the worst part of this whole thing was the fact that Breitbart gets a new aura of credibility that he can use to ruin the life of another Shirley Sherrod.
I'm glad to hear that Chris Pontius did a servicable job in this. He was always my favorite of the whole Jackass crew. I'm hoping that when Gabe says that he played himself, he was just wearing thong underwear and a bowtie everytime he was on screen.
Also the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile people must be very upset. In other weiner related news I get to dress up as one of the Milwaukee Brewers mascot racing sausages for like 3 hours next week at a public event, and it is going to be the highlight of my month.
I care to the extent that if someone isn't smart enough to (a) not to tweet pictures of their dong to a 21 year old; (b) not accidentally send the dong picture to the entire world; and (c) not then tell a series of ridiculous lies about it then that person should be disqualified from public service out of sheer mind boggling idiocy.
We could start by all remembering together his amazing non-fiction novel Paper Lion about the time he convince the Detroit Lions to allow him to pretend to be the third string quarterback on their professional football team. We could then laugh about his guest spot on the Simpsons, referenced by our friend Frank Lloyd Wrong below. Personally, I'd like to laugh about his weird appearance in the amazing documentary "When We Were Kings" about epic the Ali-Foreman fight. I mean, thats just me.
I don't know whether the weather will improve.
I thought step two was fairly obvious from his comment. Ba-zing.
Videogum Everywhere trip report: results are inconclusive. I did eat the banana and I do feel better, but I also took several excedrin and drank about a gallon of water.
I never made that connection, my mind is blown.
Ok, that deserves a non-obnoxious response. I'm bummed he isn't coming back, but after the Christmas special I'm thinking that maybe none of them should come back.
Time to talk to some people who know how to torrent or whatever it is people do. Can we talk a little bit about Chiwetel Ejiofor and how awesome he is? First his name is amazing, second (and I know lots of people hate David Mamet movies) Redbelt was great in large part because of Chiwetel Ejiofor.
He and Jeff Dunham were taken into custody by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents so that their "humor" could be weaponized in the fight against Dr. Doom.
Are you sure those are two different guys?
Alternatively Joe Rogan's other great nemesis, a random teenager on myspace.
Wait, really? Does it help to eat a banana while you have a hangover? I have both a hangover (made worse by spending the first hour of my day reading 300+ comments to this post) and a banana in my office, so this is important.
I feel like this could be half of a pretty cool Black Keys video.
I'll feel better about everything if in 10 years she is still doing ok, but I like where your head is at.