
wouldn't it be funny though, if they were just fucking with you?
now if only they could pee the beer directly into my mouth and take over for my liver in processing that ish.
thank you badideajeans...i really just don't understand wealthy people sometimes. you could feed literally millions of children (which, by the way, there are starving children in the u.s. too. that's why food stamps exist assholes. most of the people who are on them need them to feed their children. but sure u.s. government, take the benefits away from the children who need them because some people abuse the system. why don't i take your salary away congressperson, because you have used the power given to you to accomplish absolutely nothing. i call that mooching. also, why the fuck are you all about the right to life, but when people need assistance to live it is their issue? oh yeah, that's right, you are a giant dick government. i kind of hate you right now) with your money but instead you buy a shit ton of crap and complain about how hard it is to be wealthy and famous. if i had a penis i would tell everyone who is wealthy to suck it when they complain about how hard it is to have money. try wondering where your children are going to get their next meal from. try staying in your car because you have no where else to go. try being a member of the working poor who is too proud to accept help and your children have to suffer nights without food and heat and electricity. just fucking try it. i am sorry, my clients in general are so positive and they all work hard to fix their situations and i am trying to be a positive social worker at this point, but sometimes i fucking hate people.
i just spent the day in jail trying to figure out how my clients are doing with the fact that the government has stopped their social security payments in spite of the fact that they have mortgages and children (even though they are in jail, their basic need to feed their kids still persists...shucks!)...and i don't even make $2,000.00 in a month. so fuck you brucie. fuck you big time.
but i have a serious question about gold diggers though, do they actually sleep with these guys? i have always really wondered about this. it's like, you know how disgusting he is, there is no amount of money in the world that would make this sit right with me...
only because it is both a subject and a verb...
i legit thought "the canyons" was the elizabeth taylor biopic that lohan was in on that one network for women. i thought they hired a porn star to play richard burton...i guess i was wrong.
my ten year high school reunion will be in 2015...i might as well retire now.
the o.c. introduced me to a song by dios malos, who were an band out of texas that i became obsessed with for about three months. i even bought a t-shirt off of their myspace because of it...i am totally blanking on the name of the song or the album that i bought of theirs...i could google it, but the laziness is overwhelming.
youtube tutorials for hair and makeup are the best thing that youtube ever did. instead of asking someone in real life who will make fun of my lack of girl knowledge, i can just go on the internet and a really pretty girl with a soft voice will tell me how to do everything. thank you internet.
this is my life. everyone i know has makeup/hair routines that take an incredibly short amount of time and then they are flawless. i have to take a good three hours to get girl ready before i look somewhat passable. it takes so much time to actually put the stuff on and once i've got it on i have to re-do it three or four times and make sure i don't look like a clownface. most of the time i put lotion on my eyelids and my hair in a bun (it doesn't qualify as a top knot because i don't really brush it before i put it up...). my laziness will not let me be that pretty.
we can just agree to disagree. there are many folks who have written about moffat and his anti-woman plot lines. there are tumblrs dedicated to it. perhaps they can explain it better than me.
exactly. i think idris elba is amazing as luther and would be the perfect bond. but he is a little too cool to be the doctor. the doctor needs to be a somewhat anxious energetic fellow running around being all quirky and ish.
and yes, capaldi is a fine choice. seems like a tenacious white dude with wit and the ability to speak really fast and i find that fun...but the bbc did indicate that they might be open to switching it up this incarnation. it would have been kind of exciting, no?
so all of the episodes you listed actually were really problematic for me and did not really paint women in a good light so we can just agree to disagree.
it's almost like nerd fandoms can be incredibly sexist...
yeah, him and the seventh incarnation of the doctor were both scottish. but i mean, that's still pretty white. it would have been so bold to have a none white british person but...
literally all of the women in this last incarnation have been not so good. clara gives up her life for the doctor, river gives up her life for the doctor (not to mention the whole she only lives for the doctor story line that was really fucking painful to watch.), amy pond is basically what? she is a dimwit who is worshiped by a good man who she repeatedly does awful things to and then somehow we are supposed to believe he is going to stick around for a thousand years? syke, you are an awful person and rory deserves better. i have this feeling that moffat just hates women and sees himself as the doctor. i miss martha jones. i miss donna. i miss characters who actually questioned the doctor instead of just doing everything for this obviously sociopathic man.
i do love how the u.k. still suffers from internal bigotry, like we are supposed to be thrilled that they hire a scottish person every now and then. dude, outside of the u.k. everyone assumes that you are all like cousins or something.
that is an interesting assessment because i have literally found none of the doctors to be attractive whatsoever. if i watched british teevee shows merely for the men that i found attractive luther would be the only british teevee show that i could watch.
each doctor is different, if they allow profanity because of capaldi i think it would be a new welcome twist. at least he won't be walking around talking about how bow ties are cool because blech.
i re-watched the entire new doctor who series in anticipation of this event and i've gotta say, moffat blows the big one. every time his name floats through the space vortex i wonder to myself, will this episode be completely anti-woman or merely suggest that we are silly childlike creature incapable of doing anything without the doctor? the sad thing is, when i first watched the show i loved it and i was able to get over the horribly written female characters because it was just whimsical fantasy, but now i watch it and i just get angry.
not gonna lie, i read through the comments and there was a gif of dukie from the wire dancing. monsters never disappoint ever!
'til the end winwood.
so you really did like LOST all along, jejeje.
on the flip side, THERE IS NO FLIP SIDE. classic gabe.
also, fun fact, my first comment was a creepy comment about how sexy gabe was. this is still true. your anti-racist podcast only made you sexier in my eyes gabe!
i feel like gabe always has done a good job cutting off the ridiculously awful bigoted comments. so there is another kudos gabe. you rock.
thanks for the laughs. this site makes my dull life somewhat more enjoyable. you are an amazing writer and i hope that your future projects are something that will be made available for my consumption (as i am also a narcissist). you are the best gabe. i really like this thing you created and i hope the future only does good by you.
my mama works in insurance so when we were little we were not allowed on trampolines. never go into insurance and have children. they will be scared of everything.
in my family we have this same rule, but it applies to futurama. every sunday family dinner eventually turns into a discussion of futurama.
very good point. the lyrical content aside, it's like disco was reborn and pharrell is bringing it back. thicke is problematic from a feminist standpoint, but also from a macklemore standpoint as well. it's like these white dudes have appointed themselves representatives of genres that they do not dominate...although it is less problematic with thicke than it is with macklemore.
thank you gabe. you made my life better after completely devastating me at the beginning of the week. like i said, it's been fucking bittersweet.
agreed. the rant in first place isn't even from a real movie? i have never heard of it, therefore it doesn't really exist.
wooooaaahhh...that would be an interesting revelation upon meeting the parents. methinks that story would be worthy of a ben stiller romantic comedy.
the other night my sister and her friends played beer pogs. it was a great success. plus it gave us the chance to whip out the old gold kitty kat slammer that always owned everyone else.