
Also just want to say that Peggy's "I told you so, motherfuckers" smirk after the Patio ad flopped was gold.
I seriously fear for Peggy. After her "Don't be scared for me. I will be fine." speech last week and her probably Crazy Town, U.S.A. future roommate (as well as Joan arguably out-copywriting her on her roommate ad)... they are maybe setting her up for bad times ahead, and it makes me awfully nervous. Dear Mad Men writers: I beg of you, don't give us "I'm Peggy Olson, and I want to smoke some marijuana" and then tear her apart. (Unless you are going to have her bounce back bigger, badder, and more Peggy-rific.)
More like McWhy. Ba-dum.
I keep reading this as "Steven Seagal: Lawnman". Watch as Steven Seagal cuts lawns. This show is real.
Yes, and we were all clamoring for it.
we have to snail-mail it along, commenter to commenter. we each scribble our comment in the margins. then, as it gets passed along, pluses and minuses accumulate next to the comments. this process happens a few times so people can comment on comments and vote on the new comments, etc.... then eventually gabe gets it back and tallies the votes. we would get one monster's ball every 2 years. MAKE IT COUNT PEOPLE!
"something something 1984 Minority Report" is the name of the new Oliver Stone film, starring Sean Penn, coming out in 20never.
This episode really was a trip to Stupidville, population all of us. And yet, I am somehow excited for next week. Evan Rachel Wood, what can I say?
Where are his glasses?! Tyler Durden can't see without his glasses!
J'Koko, a fresh alternative: cocoa, coffee, and espresso beans, blended. New at Starbucks.
Use those (approx.) 30 minutes (travel time + 16 minutes video game reject footage) to take a nap! Your body will thank you.
Drinking in museums is my second favorite hobby, the first being child neglect. Boy oh boy is this show for me!
You'll just have to settle for Starers.
Jack and Rose, reincarnated as blue alien creatures. Your mom will love it!
Jay-Z is the Cher of hip-hop. Retirement tour, holla!
Sorry to interrupt this thoughtful debate on health care reform guys, but WHO TOOK THE CAP OFF MY FUCKING GLISTEN?!
Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. What an unforgettable couple! Am I right, teenz??
There are some things on the internet that I am too terrified of to even attempt watching/listening. This is one of those things.
Barney Frank and and the Obama-Hitler lady. Because also topical?
It's all about context, man. The Hitler comparison makes absolutely no sense in this context, unless I am totally missing something. I mean, it's always kind of stupid to just yell out HITLER in a debate. "I want all Americans to have basic coverage for themselves and their children." "HITLER! HITLER HITLER!" "Oh, well if you put it that way..." But the protests against Bush's Patriot Act, wiretapping, prisoner abuse, lying about reasons for war, etc. etc. etc..... are not the same as a town hall meeting on health care reform.
Most Democrats have been letting the crazies drown out all rational discussion on health care for too long now. You go, Barney Frank. (And I do not mean to imply that all people who have issues/questions about health care reform are crazy. But the people holding up Obama=Hitler posters and yelling nonsense and bringing rifles and handguns to rallies... you are crazy.)
RE: the gentalia thing... Based on these trailers, I'm thinking not.
Doesn't have enough farmer's market references.
If Marianne kills Eggs, she can make an omelet to go along with the hunter's souffle! HAHAHA. (this show is stupid)
This is off topic, but I just have to say that I rewatched "Hush" this weekend and your avatar makes me smile.
Obama won't commit to mangoes?! This is outrageous! Just like a socialist, to deny our American children mangoes and french fries for lunch. What is this, Russia??
Congratulations. Your incessant whining makes me want to downvote all of your comments from this point on. A job well done.
"Hey guys, the vampire politics are taking up too much screen time. What else can we do?" "You know, I was just thinking this show needs more orgies." "YES! Orgies and zombie-like sex and and boobs and penises everywhere and people slapping each other repeatedly then fucking. IT'S ALL PERFECT!" High fives all around. It's sure never going to get old. (It's old, guys).
Who tells their friend "you're so lucky your husband's dead"? Unless your friend is Eva Braun.
There's no crying in Videogum! No crying!
Gabe, you kind of seem like Professor Wild Things in this post... and I think that is a wonderful thing.
You said you couldn't be with someone who didn't believe in you. Well I believed in you. You just didn't believe in me. I love you... always.
If they call Maggie Lizer, they'll have that whole adorable blind woman thing going for them.
Definitely a classy move by a classy company.
He keeps it topical, you guys. Fresh and new. I sure do hope he's the first guest on Jay Leno's new show. All that freshness and newness will surely make it a number one hit. Am I right guys???
It will be ok. I promise. Just slowly back away from the TV. One step at a time. When you make it to the door, run for your life.
Did anyone else have to watch a different trailer before being able to watch this trailer? In the future, will we have to watch 5 trailers to watch the one trailer you want? Fun times.
Interns at an ad agency trying painfully hard to seem hip? These kids are going to fit right in!
We know the community embraces him in the end because the kids eventually let him push them on the swings. What a poetic image. Written by a 5 year old.