
I'm worried this movie will make me falafel! (So, so sorry.)
I can't wait to hear all the graphic design jokes!
Thanks for (getting AIDS on) the tip of my penis, Amanda-Nazi.
Major Little Big League of their Own
Baby Mama's House of Flying Daggers
that sequel sounds awesome. I want to go to there.
I double posted on purpose because the Holocaust was that bad. Never forget.
Holocaust Edition! The Guy Who Plays the Piano During the Holocaust Schindler's List of People to Save from the Holocaust Life is Not Beautiful
Holocaust Edition! The Guy Who Plays the Piano During the Holocaust Schindler's List of People to Save from the Holocaust Life is Not Beautiful
This guy is really out of his element.
A few years back Christ Kattan was going to be in a Broadway musical with Nathan Lane but was fired during the previews because he wasn't good enough. These guys are both. great. actors.
You liberal elitists can say all you want about Tucker Max. But that sushi pants joke is hi.lar.i.ous.
Pirates like to use this device so that they can say, "my iPhone in my pocket is driving me nuts!" PUKE!
Look out "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell," a new best song of 2009 contender has entered the ring.
I was the one that first brought Gran Torino up for The Hunt and I still maintain that I don't think it's the worst movie of all time. I guess I had just heard really good things about it, and when I finally watched it, found myself a. bored and b. repulsed by the supporting performances and the writing for said performances. I brought it up to see if other people agreed, and it pretty much snowballed from there. I, too, am very excited to see what Gabe thinks.
I liked the movie a lot. But I think it's telling that the best line came from the minister who refused to marry them: "Are you saying that the two of you made this baby? I don't know why I just asked that question."
If you build a movie based on the book Moneyball, they will come. Second Field of Dreams videogum joke of the day FTW!
Wait, so does this mean Cleveland isn't gonna be on Family Guy anymore?!!?!! Well, that show's fucked.
"If you build a baseball diamond, people will then come out to see baseball games."
"Luke, I am the man who slept with your mother in order to create you."
That pussy really spanked that monkey! You're welcome.
If you wanna go, we can go. I'll see your ass outside, flaknitter01.
It's insane, Kevin Smith's wife's taint!
He should name his band GuiTars and the Real Girl.
Why wasn't Victoria Jackson there? She's related, right? Now that would have been quite a shit-storm!
I can't wait for the sequel when Patton goes back in time and kills George Lucas.
"August RUSHES into the subway tunnel and is covered in dirt..." woof on me!
And the best supporting actor award goes to... David Cross!
I'm not necessarily suggesting it because it probably isn't TWMOAT, but did anyone else think Gran Torino was really not very good? Eastwood's awesome, don't get me wrong, but literally everyone else in it suxxxx. Except the Hmong grandma. Bad writing everywhere. Just no good. Am I right, guys?
Lindsay the best! So hawt!!
Do you see what you've done, Lindsay? You've brought these people together! Congrats on the marriage, guys (you guys have to get married now). Good luck Lindsay. You'll do great!
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it not get eaten by a shark.
Michael are you okay? Are you okay?> Are you okay, Michael?
"Look at James Dean movies and look at The Room, some of the characters." Yup.