
One fucking dog, please!
Weird obsessive stalking? Cool. Swearing? Not cool.
Yes! I was coming to comment on the elephant!
I'm so glad I wasn't the only one waiting for the big reveal at the end. USHER WAS FILMING THE WHOLE TIME! :( :(
Merry ethnically and spiritually diverse holiday season! Didn't you guys have fun when we all posed for this stock photo?
Missed it by THAT MUCH! Everyone's pets are soooo cute.
Community was soooo good... but you guys... I'm worried about Abed. He should definitely get some help. Yes, I am concerned about a fictional character.
So how does she spend all her money from hand modeling if she can't really... do anything? THAT'S NO WAY TO LIVE!
Michio Kaku! I literally fall asleep to the sound of his voice talking science at me.
Needless to say, this is my sheeeyit! He killed it!
What you don't know is that there are sensor in the floor that use these peoples' jumps to power the city of Chicago. Also, Oprah's definitely a succubus.
Did Daniel Craig stab that one guy in the balls?
I may like Jimmy Fallon more than Conan. I SAID IT!
The whole lineup is great - Buuuh-uuuhhht, Bob Powers' blog is just very very good to read.
Colleen Thomas' protest sign reads "Tea Partiers = Marxists!" Seriously, I never thought I'd wish for someone to just be a regular old anti-Obama crazyface.
It was really sad how that one zombie had a picture of a human in his pocket. "She's pretty" - Grimes. This show is too intense/gross sometimes, no? I still like it a lot. And what's up with that one zombie in Atlanta that seems a little smarter than the rest of them?
I just listened to Ira Glass on WTF with Marc Maron. Very nice! *James Franco eating pie .gifs arranged in a mosaic to form one big James Franco eating pie .gif*
Just when Harrison Ford got his family back, they had to go and steal Liam Neesons! WILL THE CYCLE NEVER END??!!1?1?!
I'm in awe and a little afraid of that rendition of A Whole New World. As a duet, the lyrics are already oddly sexual... As a one-person duet, I'm sure they're enough to melt Christine O'Donnell in her own cauldron. I can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder, over sideways and under on a magic carpet ride... INDEED!
Russell Crowe knows what you're talking about:
Am I the only one who thought "Stop Looking at My Moms" was going to be from the pov of a kid fed up with the otherization of this lesbian mothers? Just me? OK!
SOPHIE'S CHOICE AIN'T GOT NOTHIN' ON THIS! etc etc Wow. They're all reeeeaaaaally good. Lawblog really knocked it out of the park! You have my vote, sir. I definitely put my thumbs in the air during that awesome bridge. Grape job, everyone! <-- This guy.
I was really surprised to find that this wasn't directed by Chris Dane Owens.
I played Judge Danforth in a high school production of The Crucible 7 years ago. I know a witch when I see one!
I hate this movie just as hard as anyone, but it did have ONE funny line: "The international butter club? You mean you've been sitting around eating sticks of butter from different lands?" That's just a stupid thing to do anyway you look at it.
I thought it would never happen! I haven't even listened to this yet, but I already know.... if this podcast were a pie, James Franco would love it.
You... just.... have no idea. Christine O'Donnell is gonna be pissssssed!
I always suspected it! A woman's touch A woman's touch The magic of Aladdin couldn't do as much She's a wizard, she's a champ And she doesn't need a lamp Awww snap. And that Francis Fryer was quite the fop. LOVE HIM.
Westerns? Sure. Musical Westerns?? Double sure! Calamity Jane, anyone? Oh, EVERYONE? Alright!
Joan lying about having a daughter was just too sad for me to bear! The lady with the daughter was all, "We're both super old, so you can't be here for your own brabortion." Maybe in 1965 there weren't pithy idioms about how bad assumptions can be.
I couldn't even wink or snap or tie my shoes at this age (big up to snaps and velcro)... on account of not having any motor skills at all.
*Calls William Shatner to cancel vacation to Lake Crystal.*
My mom, who stumbled upon Videogum's Top Chef recaps - independently - a few weeks ago, hates A History of Violence. Since there's nothing I can do to make her stop reading Videogum, I might as well throw my vote in the hat for that movie.
Pot luck! I'll bring the chip 'n' dip!
Single White Females be trippin'... basically, The Roommate.