
It was designed by Obama. He's trying to covertly Islamicize the world!
Goddammit, Cheryl! Sthop trying to stheal his moment!
Further proves that Sleigh Bells are just noise.
Van Halen and The Strokes will have new albums coming next year.
Looks like Jason's been doing some Nighttiming with his porn 'stache.
I was as pleasantly surprised as the band was that so many people were singing along to the new songs.
Couldn't he find a decent historical venue in our nation's capital?
O'Doyle rules!
Am I going to need a Neytiri face tattoo to get him as my boyfriend?
But it's your birthday, so I won't get too upset.
Shame on you for spelling my name wrong. #storyofmylife
I'll literally have what she's having.
There's literally no crying in baseball.
This is literally Sparta! Literally.
Willy Wonka + Sorcerer's Apprentice?
Someone get this guy to the local arcade. His dance moves scream DDR!
If Michael Cera is still at Comic-Con Gabe, it is imperative that you photobomb him.
I will miss the videos the nominated writers came up with. It was always more entertaining than the host.
I love that this seemed to happen everywhere!
Best parts of my Inception experience (not including the power going out HALFWAY through the movie): The collective groan when M. Night Shyamalan name was shown during the Devil trailer. The epic hallway fighting scene. Brilliant.
As someone who works in public health, that is very unsanitary.
She's just adding fuel to the fire that is consuming Lebon's Cavs jerseys.
As much as I want Michael Emerson to win, that award is reserved for Aaron Paul.
Read the title, now I have to clean tea off of my monitor.
He's got a red harness on. La Furia Roja!
Happened to me last weekend too. My tip: strap an ice pack to your head. Keep it classy.