
"February 2nd is the date of the first episode of the final season of Lost, where we will learn that instead of being blown up by an H-bomb, the mysterious island was just given the 10pm time slot on NBC". -Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
Whoa. They took the BSG Last Supper idea. Come on, ABC! Something new for the last season please.
Wait wait! I got one! Ready? Here goes: "I find her lack of emotional stability disturbing" Topical! Referential! Comedy!
All that and she didn't mention when the AT-ST blasted two Ewoks on the run, one of which survives and tries to revive the other, who has obviously left to Ewok heaven. God, I'm tearing up just thinking about it.
Don't worry you guys. The director also directed 24: The DVD Board Game. Quite possibly my favorite DVD board game based around a show starring Keifer Sutherland.
Child's Play, Deadwood, Lord of the Rings, and FADING OF THE CRIES
What's the big frakkin deal? I can play that song in my sleep.
My cousin is taking a feminist theory class in college right now. (500) days came up as an example of the "masculine gaze", which is what the whole movie was about. It was a chick flick for dudes. During the summer, I moved 400 miles away from my girlfriend. We had our problems with distance and when she came to visit me, she totally gave me the cold shoulder. I told my friends she "summer'd" me. Everyone immediately knew what I was referencing. Fucking bitch. I hate you Summer.
I just deleted Animal Collective, Grizzly Bear and Dirty Projectors off my iTunes list. Staying cool requires some sacrifices. Even ones that don't necessarily make sense.
I feel that True Blood has fallen victim to the anti-Vampire trend brought on by Twilight. I was very hesitant on starting True Blood, but he only thing that got me going was that I was a big fan of Six Feet Under (for most of its seasons at least) and thought that it'd be interesting to see Alan Ball try to write genre. For the most part, he's hit all the tenets of what makes genre work, and he's updated the allegory a bit to fit our times. I thoroughly enjoy it. I say it rivals Buffy as "the" vampire show. Lastly, if this came out during Buffy times, I don't think it would get as much slack as it is now (mostly because pretentious hipsters haven't been born yet, or they were still really into Backstreet Boys).
Tell me who else you like.
No Breaking Bad or Battlestar. It's a bad year for the Bs.
Noah Lennox looks like the Jim Parsons from Big Bang Theory.
Fleet Foxes and No Age are Lost fans. <3. And Andrew WK is the best (partially because of his list, but mostly because hehosts DESTROY BUILD DESTROY).
Yeah..that's about right.
I'd go gluten free for Zooey D.
Brand New?! WTF, Mate?! Am I a sophomore in high school again? I'm going to download that for shits and gigs.
The best part of this is that I can totally imagine Neil writing this circa 1971. Top notch, Fallon. You've won me over.
I hope Matthew Weiner is aware of the odd fascination with taking seemingly arbitrary scenes, converting them to GIFs and creating out of context comic gold.
Yeah! Living here sucks. i always wake up with some dude singing into my boner. It's like, "C'mon guy. In the morning? Shit."
I'm all for postmodern commentary, but this is just plain silly.
Mad Men: Shit Just Got Real
A couple of things: 1. I understand the premeditated hate. When something "classic" is appropriated within the highest echelon of ostensible indie culture (Urban Outfitters), a preemptive counter reaction to a "corporate" counterculture is expected. 2. Instead of basing the film merit's on the buzz or popularity of the release, look at the track record instead. For me, what got me excited was the fact that Dave Eggers co-wrote it and Spike Jonze, who directed two brilliant movies (Being John Malkovich and Adaptation). Excited because Eggers has a real quiet realism to his style and because it's interesting to see how Jonze would do wihtout the help of Charlie Kaufman. 3. The trailer knocked my socks off. 'Wake Up' is such a cathartic anthem for our generation (which, unfortunately judging from this website, is made up of trendhoppers who try to reinvent themselves for the sake of not falling into being uncool). I'm happy to hear that 'Funeral' inspired the themes of the film, and I can totally see it. 4. I liked the movie a lot more than I thought I would. It was beautiful both aesthetically and thematically. At this point, a semiotic/thematic/cinematic analysis would be moot, as cultural identity through premeditative likes/dislikes seem to take precedent over debate. 5. Can someone please superimpose Chewie in the last scene on the beach? That would be super.
MSTRKRFT/Girl Talk back to back blew my mind. One of the best concert experiences I've ever encountered.
I actually work at Google. I'll make it happen next Monday.
Dear Stringer Bell, Stop ruining your legacy. kthxbai.
"Im kind of an expert at photoshop"
This shit doesn't even rhyme.
Pretty sure I made this video when I was 10... ..this comment would be funnier if you guys knew how I look like.
The dude from Tv on The Radio sings Neil Young for his wedding vowels? Color me sold.
That's some mean ol' upper body strength.
This totally blows away the Iron & Wine Cover. Fo sho.