
All this and nobody commented on the damn trailer? I kinno oonderstand a bloody word those terrorist (?) lorries are sayin! No seriously I can't even tell if it's funny or I'm "too soon, too soon" offended. And I couldn't let this comment go without saying, Carrie, you've always taken the level of discourse higher here in the threads, and your avatar of Chuck Close is fucking awesome. I Like a Skinny Tie (me TOOOO oh GOD me too) always funny but .gif kindof fail. But apologies galore and let's DropThisAlreadyGum. I've been on Stereo & Vgum since I was playing Ms. Pac Man at the roller rink wearing a side ponytail and sucking on Alexander the Grape otter pops but I still think that a .gif of pandas going down a slide pretty much fucking dominates anything and everything, ever. I also agree with Joel McHale at the end of Community, sobbing about Glee, that "I just don't understand the appeal." And, yes, the .gifs are a bit Overboard, the remake. That's enough 'on the other hand's for Shiva here.
Exactly. I did NOT see this movie because: haha, why would I? But also, when the ads were running on TV, that one shot of Old Brad Pitt flexing in the mirror (THANKS AGAIN, GABE) sent me into apoplectic fits of insanity. Shut it down! Forever! Panda bear gif unicorn shot! Always.
I had a boyfriend like that. He's dead now. That 3rd day...anyone can go at that point.
I saw that tag JUST last night because my sister told me Tina Fey was so funny on it. She is, duh, but that show, oy, and I saw that tag and thought 1. that is perfect and hilarious and 2. please, please do not let that be a real thing. (Don't answer. I want to live in a world where unicorns follow me through the forest and adorable things are never harmed but only make us laff. Kthxbai.)
I thought that the late nights, excessive wealth flaunting, club hopping, boy/girl friend trading, coke snorting, exotic traveling, pill popping, crotch flashing, media-dissing, paparazzi loving thing was this hollywood generation's creation of their own rebellion. I mean, nothing like that has ev -- oh, I see what you've done there.
You get two tickle lover loris arms up!!! I love!
That Up cocktail is definitely material for Taking One for the Team. Milk, half and half mixed with Sambuca is already gag level disgusting, but then add gin? We're talking Fear Factor dare here. The half & half are supposed to resemble the beautiful fluffy clouds in the sky. Hahaha, wuuuuuuuuut? I guess after you're hallucinating due to the Sambuca...?
This is genius, are you kidding? I want to kiss Videogum for this. Speaking of just us & Brazil...completely inappropriate child pagents with confusing sexualization - just us?
You always make me laff, but this one comment is upvotes x. infinity.
oh man I LOVE a videogum dance party. I don't even remember half of this, I was so amped up on dexitrim, fro yo, and mad dog 20/20 (oh also cornuts, doy), my bff aimee had to drag me out of her mom's Pinto and now I'm grounded, but wow does this look like we had fun. This is the best thread ever, guys. Seriously these gifs are kicking internet ass. We survived the redesign! Ahhh, come in for a hug, monsters!
Now I know how Glenn Beck feels. JK. I fucking hate Glenn Beck. Whatever the tissues were, hope this makes it better. The ability to adapt is what allows a species to survive, or something like that. Charles Darwin. Or something.
You clearly have never seen a real, live, big booty. If that's big to need to get out more.
The dude's breathy, resigned, appalled, seduced, entranced, watermelon-crushed "woooow." at the end says it all. Oh, Videogum. You can try all you want to destroy my sex life. IT'S WORKING.
I'm so elated Under Byen didn't just fall by the wayside. They're so unbelievably good. And how is it possible that this video is exactly what my mind would produce right now if it could (and were that conceptually genius)? Nice Yellow Wallpaper shoutout too btw. FTW.
As if I could love Caribou any more? I love love love love love (yes, 5x) this. And I think this video checked into my subconscious for its material. Creepily fulfilling.
Am I the only one who thought the Kevin Smith pillow was James Mercer of the Shins pillow? No? Just me then. Caaarry on.
Of course some of us read Stereogum! The best! It's how I even know about Videogum. But let's be honest, Scott. The un-registered monsters over at Sgum are just pathetic stumbling newbies in comparison with the art form the Videogum monsters have raised comment threads to. Right, monsters? I mean, a PANDAS ON A SLIDE GIF??? Go home, ya burnt.
This is so "huuuuh? wuuut?" to me, but I love it. Any blonde rehead is great, but especially new/as of yet unheard BR is awesome. I was having a blonde redhead drought. Does anyone have word on when the latest album comes out?
Oh you monsters voted me down for Modern Family? Well you will RUE THE DAY when that is one of your favorite shows and you are thanking me and we are all commenting about it LIKE A FAMILY. RUE IT!!!!
The man just doesn't know how to stop being awesome.
I didn't know who Justin Beiber is until now, but I do believe that deep down, he loves this little girl right back. For sure. She just knows it!
Did anybody else watch this till like, 2:07 and then snap out of it and think fuck, what have I just been doing for two minutes and seven seconds?
Is anyone watching Modern Family? Because you should be watching Modern Family. It'll definitely increase your LOLk portfolio. And that's Wednesday nights, so your portfolio/nights of LOLs will be diversified, I mean spread out a little. Whatever, stop taunting me! Just watch Modern Family. OR DON'T if you don't want to laugh a lot. Whatever I've confused myself I'm out. Also: Community? Thank you! Thank you.
Wait - I - Chinatown makes you cry? Because it makes me laugh when it comes to the slap scene. Like, hysterically giggle. It's a joke I do for my friends even.
Yep. I've known for quite sometime that Videogum is out to completely destroy any sexual desire I have. It is slowly, but notch by notch, sort of working. GROSS. I NEVER WANT TO MAKE OUT AGAIN, city of angels. THANKS.
Yeah I don't see the problem here? They're like the Ali G of South Africa? Ali G is fucking awesome. Seriously though about her bangs, yikers.
I love the warning "Please do not submit if you have already been on 'I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant.'" Like, you know, there are actresses that'll walk into the casting call & be like, well, I didn't know I'd been on the show before, I forgot - these chicks didn't even realize they hadn't had their period for NINE MONTHS. Lemme have another shot at it, huh?
My favorite part of Vgum is the This Is My Favorite New Phrase Evar thing that happens to me weekly, at least. And now, it's txting/IMing/commenting/office memo writing everything beginning with "Heer r ma boobez." Lots of Love, Napoleon Complex. Lots. Of. Love.
Dude. "Is simply acknowledging the presence of race or ethnicity inherently racist?" Well, the point is, if you're NOT racist, you shouldn't have to address it at all. Sorry, Matthews wasn't saying, he didn't say, tonight Obama transcended racial lines and biases. He said, and I quote "tonight I forgot he was black." Meaning that up until the SOTU, Matthews only perceived a high achiever, an ivy league scholar, a brilliant lawyer, an excellent politician, seemingly a great husband and father simply as a black man. The fact that 400+ years of oppression STILL has to be fought that hard against so that blindly, blithely ignorant fools like Matthews don't still see a person just as their skin color (or gender) isn't 'blowing things out of proportion,' it's saying it's god damned time that ignorant white men be held accountable for THEIR actions; namely, continuing that kind of oppression and racism.
Sephora, huh? Noted. Anyhow, 'why isn't there more Drunk History?' is exactly what I thought like two nights ago. Drunk. Trying to remember something something about Adams. (no luck.)
I can't even make a dick joke. The LAFFS are dying for me! I'm too upset to make a joke. This is where I fall on my knees and scream CONAAAAN!!!! as the camera crane shots into ah fuck it. Conan is the best. NBC, you fools. You stupid, stupid fools.
I fought liking this movie and then finally watched it, and while I didn't cry, I did like it way more than I thought I would. It's like having ice cream for breakfast. It's not good for you, it's not substantial, but what the fuck, it's ice cream for breakfast. Why not. And I'm far more offended by a lot of other sap Made For Women (read: idiots, aka Lifetime/Hallmark movies). Plus I spend the whole movie trying to figure out who I want to make out with more: Rachel Hottie McAdams or Ryan Roaring Fuckies Gosling. Never did get to the bottom of that one.