
I can't upvote these two comments enough. Kind of Blue-print. Lots of Love, over here. LOLs.
Hey nice gif! Sonya "the tickle lover" 4evz.
OK this is serious. Everyone stop laffing at me! I've been trying to figure out which plant made me think "hm. someone's smokin chron around here" when I walked past it, for like, ever. Many a late night have found me sniffing the plants around me trying to get to the bottom of the mystery. They have solved the mystery for me. And I think the man has a good point. No vampires. He is like my dad.
Hiss! You're never around when I need you! Nice avatar. Oooosh, I really hate using that word now. Nice pic!
Monsters! You are all forgetting "Have fun at dinner." WTF, gummers? You all have the attention span of - wait, did someone comment on "I've made a huge mistake"? Cus that one is my favorite. Oh look, a fudge vodka martini!
I just have to say your comment made me laugh so fucking hard. Good one. Applause. Fuck, that's a good one.
Definitely MY catchphrase of all of - I dunno, whenever that movie came out. Wha' happen? Fits for everything and always makes me giggle. Perfect for trying to recover the events of a hazy night before with friends. It's definitely my favorite, but then I didn't vote so I'll just shut up now. kthxbai.
I'm in Long Beach and would come to wherever in So Cal - but that very day I will be on a flight to bloody freezing cold Colorado. Everyone miss me very much and say things like, when there's a pause (pause.) in the conversation and giddy joy, just sigh and say "I wish that Blondie were here. She would have the perfect witty comment to make." (no I wouldn't.) Have fun, Monsters!
If that man were my boyfriend, I would be the happiest fucking woman in the world. Who DOES that, just to make people laugh? The spanking himself? He gives it all, man. He gives it all. Ahh. Man. I gotta stop pissing myself.
You will never get a more vehement, forceful, shouted NO! out of me than asking if I "wanna play Monopoly?" My usual response is: "For how many fucking hours?" I feel the same way about this movie.
You're all kidding right? Occam's Razor theory put to work: DUH Lou Dobbs has a black mistress. And she is fiiiiiiiiiiiine, I'll bet. With a name like Bunny. Give it time, it'll come out. Oh and he also has undocumented workers for housekeepers. Oh yeah and he's a revisionist. Give it time. Wait for it. Train's a comin.
Exaaaaaaaaactly! I've watched this video incessantly and she wins. I give. It's brilliant.
I seriously cannot figure out if I think she's ridiculous or the most insanely beautiful brilliant thing. But I can say this video is fucking gorgeous and amazing. She's one hell of a dancer. Not a bad jam, either, for that sort of thing. Ok Lady Gaga, you win.
And this. Sorry, but you opened up the funny cat video pandora box here. You get what you meme for. Or something.
Oh, SORRY, Gabe. Ya slept on THIS. You can all thank me later.
This disgusts me on a level that leaves me speechless.
I mean Roger Sterling. Whatever, if I live to be either, I'm gold.
Just when I finally want to get out of my love for Mad Men, they keep pulling me back in! TWSS. OK, Mad Men, my following, it is with you now. Don Draper is a total crybaby. Ugh, pull up your diapers, wet sack. And what's to happen with Peggy? And Joan is back! And where's Sal, we need Sal. And if I don't grow up to be that SIlver Fox that is Cooper, well then, I guess I'll just have to have another bourbon.
ohhhhhhh my god, there are not enough upvotes on Madison Avenue for this one. Lots of Love over here. Lots. Of. Love.
Ohhh goddammit. Fucking beat me to the punch, here. I was juuuuust about to bring (someone else's) baby onto the house floor. Sheddeg you once, but I think now maybe the love is gone. Fucking Rs from Arizona. I am so done with them.
I fucking love you for linking to the Eddie Izzard bit, because every single time someone mentions Berlin, that bit runs through my head. Every. Time.
Oh god. He is so fucking handsome it's silly. You are right again! My brain just exploded out of my pants.
Oh holy shit. Best. Thread. EVAR. I fuckin love you guys. Lots of Love, over here.
I could not fucking agree more. Yes. I get it. I will never watch it. I make the same point without making you watch people get tortured. I'm off to cuddle a kitten and eat some ice cream. Fudge vodka martini, I am comin for you!
Ohhhh Gabe. You have topped yourself again. TWSS, I'm out. THANK YOU PRESIDENT BARTLETT!!!
Absolute pure unadulterated fucking joy. Once again, Videogum, thank you. Jesus that Charlie Day. In a New York second, I tell ya. He makes me laugh so fucking hard it's sick.
OMG you guys. Seriously. You have to lay all the LAFFS all in one night? The League, while in my real life dream time, is my worst nightmare (dudes, fantasy football, latent sexism, etc.), was, in show, totally ridiculously funny and adorable. And 30 Rock? Is bringing it. For real. I love that show so much I wanna squeeze it.
Oh. How right you are. The. Best. I'm fairly certain this guy has stolen every drunken move I've pulled in a crowded place to get an unadulterated LOL from my friends. And it's to the Ghostbusters theme song? EPIC WIN.
I just got around to 30 Rock on hulu, and praise be. Thank the Gods of LAFFS that this show just gets better and better. I literally laughed out loud so much that...let's just say I had the room to myself. "Cold pizza better than hot pizza? That's insane." Will Arnett? ACTUAL elephant in the room? Cut the baby in half, I will take the top half, cus that's the half with the face? Loooooooots of Love, over here. Lots. Of. Love.
Exactly! Thank you. Slumdog was about being Indian, from the slums, parent-less. Darjeeling was about 3 highly privileged white dudes trying to 'find themselves' in India. To compare the two is inherently racist or at a minimum, entirely ignorant and egotistical. It's like saying Easy Rider and The Godfather are the same movie because they both take place in America. Like, HUH? Completely different stories, struggles, cinematic eyes...but in the end Wes did answer his own questions. I just don't think it's a question that even deserves merit, but here I am yakkin away on my own point. I'm done now.
Is anyone else still having to re-log in over & over? Should I clear my cache or just give up on life completely?
Gabe, in response to your query, yes. You are correct. Making a pee stain in the face of the comedian is the worst. Well, the Obama ice cream ad is much worser (not a word) but, they both out worse each other in so many ways. In other news, I friggin love the Videogum community. O RLY? YA, RLY.
Ohhh man. I know I'm late on this, sleeping on the Interweb Time, but Lots of Love, over here. Looooots of Love. I love that he just had all those people holding the cardboard sign at the end. Where was this guy to catch me up when Balloon Boy '09 happened?
I have been LOLing over "It's a nice day, I'm glad there are no gay people standing here." for fucking DAYS. It doesn't come off well when I say it aloud, though. Weird.
HAHAHAHA!! LOLOLOLOL!!! "hey there cool dudes & bros, welcome to yet ANOTHER installment of Box Talk! Today on Box Talk..." [gunshot]
Yargh! You beat me to the Box Cat Reference! Also: HUUUH? This guy won't quit! I keep thinking Videogum just hasn't been updated (ssssshyeah, right! As if!!!) b/c every time I've checked this Heane character is at the top.
I love this show and am totally addicted to it, but I also think it is the most deeply confused, convoluted, loose strings show ever. Lindsay was right when she wrote that the storylines unfold at the pace of an iceberg melting. Or something. Like, why show Betty finding the drawer and then not have that come to some sort of fruition in the ep? And where's the damn baby? Is the baby in a drawer with a secret key too? I don't get it. Why doesn't Peggy give Don a few words, the way he speaks to her! Forget it, Blondie. It's Madison Avenue Town.
Hahaha! "Where did THEY come from?" Wow I almost completely forgot about this video. Ann pretty much mimicked my exact reaction. But, wait - she "went to different schools" "together" with Mark Twain? I am so confused.