
The God(it's hot)father
"I invented swag." --That Guy
For some reason, I read "The Grand Budapest Hotel" as "The Grand Dubstep Hotel."
This spear represents the greatness of my penis in 3D.
Gwyneth loves Jewish traditions so much that during Seder, she leaves the front door open for her personal trainer, Elijah.
In Shapiro's original script, we begin with a long shot of Terl's (John Travolta) house, where we find him in his death bed. He drops a snow globe, and whispers "Thetans." The rest of the movies follows a group of journalist-Scientologists trying to find out what "Thetans" referred to. We see the young Terl become a newspaperman and run for SuperPresident of Battlefield Earth, only to lose when people learn he's having an affair with a young songbird named Kelly Preston. At the end of the film, as they box up and burn Terl's accumulation of Earth Valuables, we see them throw a giant bus-stop advertisement into the fire. The camera zooms in, and we read "Thetans" in tiny print on the poster. The End (?)
Okay, here's the deal: I love dogs, and I own a great-dane mix, and I'm completely a sucker for dog movies, but this thing makes me want to induce Owen Wilson to commit suicide.
Yes! The very first thing I thought was, "Wow, they're just shamelessly ripping off the visual style there, aren't they?"
Yeah, but she ain't never been crafting public policy. She's all about the image of herself, and any brief venture she's made into policy is utterly incoherent, it's only purpose to serve as another way she can claim to be just a regular gal.
"I think, you know what, he may or may not be an asshole, but he certainly is dangerous, and I'd love to have a dialogue with him." I do not think you understand what "dialogue" means.
More like Gaberil Fools, amirite?! /forgot my meds this morning
I think this picture is an outtake from the outhouse scene in Slumdog Millionaire.
Absolut vodka sponsored this? Man, the guys at Grey Goose Hova are going to be disappointed.
On the plus side, it did lead to Obama saying time and again, "I love when y'all stare at me, I'm just so fresh, so clean."
"It’s as if everyone in Washington is Leslie Neilsen in The Naked Gun, and they all have to take a leak right after their keynote address to the city." I just wanna say thanks for using this reference. I probably saw that movie a kajillion times as a kid with my dad, to the point that we both get warm fuzzies whenever anyone brings it up. So thanks. "Hey! It's Enrico Polazzo!"
I got 99 problems, but reading a book ain't one. Hit me!
It'll never compete with Texting Rainbow.
he also buries it in the swimming pool hole in his yard (convenient) So convenient that they used it in Sexy Beast.
Also: Cats React to Everything Around Me, C.R.E.A.M., get the OMG, dollar, dollar bill y'all. /God, I'm so, so white.
Sometimes I feel like my job here is to set up other people for jokes. I'm the Inspecktah Deck to your ODB.
Think of Dramatic Chipmunk. Where’s he today? I will tell you where he is: Chipmunk Heaven. Dead. From cocaine. I don't think this warning applies to OMG Cat. ODB Cat, maybe.
Can we start calling her Schwa yet?
So twitter cries for help work better than holding out a rose to Megan Fox? Duly noted.
So if USA = Fag Nation, and she wants to Vote for Pedro, does that mean she's moving to Mexico? /syllogism win!
"As I'm apt to do" --Gwyneth Paltrow. Ugh. I'm so apt to punch her right now.
This is exciting, except I live in Cincinnati. Can we anticipate a midwestern tour for Videogum sometime soon?
That Dick Morris joke makes up for all of it, though.
Lindsay Lohan has already filed suit against the woman in the "Witches Rule" shirt for defamation.