
blasted...spoke to soon (refreshed too late)
ahhh...that needs the Andy reaction shot!
years from now, when I get severe carpal tunnel from spending too much time of the computer, I'll think to myself, "At least I got to give 'explainer guy tries it again' that upvote, that made it all worth it."
Vince I just read the script for your next movie
FYI - the 6" sub was for the ghost, he just didn't have the stomach for the 12" anymore. (NAILED IT!)
Twitter: "I'm shedding my most recent layer of skin and then heading to lunch. Thinking Mice Salad sounds good! #imasnakeperson" Facebook: "Don't you hate it when your private jet is running late from Switzerland? I mean it's like " "Gwynny has her period and wants Chocolate NOW!" Leave your worst Aunt Flo stories in the comments and like this if you're crampy!" Did I get the job?
I can't look at Adam Levine without wishing HE was dead.
I'm just going to leave this here....
Nathan Lane: oooooooooooHHHH myyyyyyy Martin Lawrence: Wwoooooooooooooohhh x100000 = that second movie
Pretty sure that's still a fact I just looked it up, Season 2 starts in 2012. You didn't have to kill yourself. IDIOT.
He's not quite as pixely.
Polythene Pam you've made this the worst Halloween ever.
What!?!?!? Youtube links or it didn't happen!
I can't wait for The Erin Show spin off. I think I'm going to delete everything off of my DVR to make space, just in case this becomes a real thing that really happens.
"Plus she has a HUGE mouth" - Julia Roberts
Anybody else still watch the Real World? Isn't Frank CRAZY!?!?! Like if anybody should be suing Bunim/Murray it should be all of this year's cast members except for Frank. Much like Hooch, Frank is CRAAAAAZY. Also that other guy is very red all of the time. He must be so embarrassed. Also that girl who got in a fight about holding hands...THIS IS GOOD TV PEOPLE!
Community was my favorite kind of Potbong.
"I get ridiculed and this asshole panda gets #7, bullshit!" - David Hasselhoff
Come to Wahlburgers and try out "Wicked Pissah" special sauce.
I'll take a Richard Harrow mask please and thank you. ...oh, and some old-timey clothing as well.
Spring turns ta aint kidd'n Kelly. It's like we nevah even get a Summah or Fall around heeyah. #newenglandgum
Why does everyone hate Zooey now? STOP IT!
"20 lbs. of cake please" - everyone in China (I'm assuming)
Chris Trash, you'll be hearing from my lawyers. I don't know how you've obtained a copy of my script, Soul Man 2: Soulless Man, but I am ordering an immediate cease and desist!
As with most things, my favorite part was the skeleton sex.
Hey guys, Videogum is actually remembering me! I feel like a king!
Hey look! Somebody did it for me:
I was going to throw some Occupy Wall Street stuff into some Kanye lyrics, but then I realized I have been COMPLETELY ignoring Occupy Wall Street. So I'm just going to listen to Watch the Throne instead. " : ( " - My Parents
Obviously SOMEBODY doesn't watch America's Got Talent* *unfortunately that somebody isn't me.
Did someone say Johnny Bananas Backpack? No? My mistake.
I won't downvote you for your opinions, but just look what you've done...
Community & Parks ratings were slightly UP! Whitney's were down! Plus Whitney lost 1.3 mill viewers from The Office lead-in! Still about 1.3 million more viewers than Community though : (
When the ratings come out today and you see that they both had a 3.0 share in the "Watched at Gun Point" demographic you'll have me to thank.
"I don't understand why they showed us a lost episode from there first season of Community? Because that's certainly the last time we visited those character traits." - Some Jerk (me)
"ooooh look at me, "I don't have a Microwave" ooh la la" - Somebody without a TV
I fixed that Lohan pic so that you could see the real craziness behind the coked-out craziness:
What kind of nightmare is this? As a Red Sox fan I just want to hide my head in a dark corner and pretend that baseball doesn't exist. This morning I'm watching the NFL (the F stands for FOOTBALL) Network and they start talking about Evan Longoria's homerun! Now even Videogum is talking about it!?!?!? God...Why hast thou forsaken me?