
I don't know how to do gifs, but there's a Target commercial with a dad trying to get his son to eat some broccoli (to no avail, obvs). It pretty much sums up my life at this moment.
maybe this will finally make him happy? probably not.
i haven't seen the movie yet, but it sounds like with this current success, justin timberlake can officially erase The Love Guru from his resume. Way to go!
if she was not actually IN the club, what could she say really? "i knew a dude in a club once. it was a very cool club to be in." uh, thanks?
i haven't seen any of the new shows this week as i've been to busy with real life, but it seems as though i haven't missed a thing and i've saved myself a lot of disappointment. go me!
Sad Keanu should get a friggin job already!
From Bridalplasty to this? This world gets sadder everyday. Where is 2012 when you need it?
the part i really don't get is that the competitors vote off the other brides. like, "SHE does not deserve to be humiliated on TV in order to get her face plasticized? she is so unworthy." huh?
am i the only one who can't get past mark wahlberg's pipsqueaky voice? he's never delivered a believable performance to me because i always imagine that he's really a smurf.
If you're on TBS, does that now make TBS Very, Very Funny? Instead of just Very Funny?
Can you really retire from not actually working? Or from typing random words onto an electronic box? Can I retire from this nonsensical comment? Yes. Yes I can.
she's making a mockery of Fashion Week and I DO NOT appreciate it!
The "I'll Leave You a Trail of Breadcrumbs So You Can Find Me on TBS So I Don't Get Canceled AGAIN" Show
i think we're all to blam for this.
the one on the left is worst-er because heigl is in it. i think the two ladies on the right are likely too young to know any better. they're just baby ladies, yall. they get a pass ... for now.
or from La Croix to La Crap
i hope Gabe does a lot of posts today because i am really sick of seeing Jay-Z's undy pants on the front page. (also, that is the first time i have ever typed Jay-Z's name. it's really annoying to type - kinda like his draws are really annoying to view. yuck)
if that's not a sign that the end is coming, i don't know what is.
50%. Which is pretty good considering that everyone in my party all got sick and died within about ten minutes.
TWO BILLION COMMENTS. Mission: Accomplished.
i never want to see katie holmes act ever. EVER!
that's real life. not a movie!
I keep trying to make this show sound more gansta. Like, "yo G. True Blood fo life." Or, "Word, that's true, blooood." I'm still working out the kinks.
they all look dumb. as all middle schoolers should.
Please tell me this is a comedy because it's hilarious.
This is probably the best acting Megan Fox has ever done. So suck it Michael Bay.
everything i know about this show can be found in gabe's finale recap and i'm totally satisfied. satiated, even. thanks lost.
like mama always said, when you lie down with dictators, you wake up with diamonds. duh!
Despite her, perhaps, peculiar bedfellows, the girl looks fabulous! So, all is forgiven.
that snake stole my sweater! snakes. can't live with them. can't let them kick it in your closet while you watch Top Chef. (I don't watch Top Chef)
"Jeremy, you're acting real crackish right about now." - me
aww... how super-creepy-sweet!
I can see that this will be one of the greatest films of our time. (And by greatest, I mean, not poop. Literally, it is not poop.) The greatest.
We didn't land on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock literally landed on us!