
I'd name my kid "Brody's Wife," not gonna lie.
A solid 4 out of 5 strawberries. Full strawberry up from Hunger Games: The Hunger Games. That said, there is so much baffling sideways logic in these books/movies it gives me brain throbs. Like, PSH spinning the center island? Like, if Katniss convinces the fickle masses that she loves Peeta, the revolution will stop? Like, are we meant to believe that the conspirators planned to have Katniss bow the Truman ceiling the whole time? A+ pimple fog though. Killer pimple fog.
Derek was perfect, Coldplay outro and all.
(Also Gremlins. Please Gremlins.)
Growing up, my favorite Christmas movie was Eyes Wide Shut, but nowadays my favorite Christmas movie is totally still Eyes Wide Shut.
Fuck me for trying to find logic in 'their' reasoning, but what is the Hollywood blockbuster machine's preoccupation with using the word "dark" in franchise subtitles? (Star Trek: Into Darkness, Thor: The Dark World, all of these). Do they seriously think that since "dark" was in the Batman sequels titles, it translates to profits? DO THEY?!? In conclusion, Man of Steel: Darkly Into A Darkness Darker than Darkness
Wasn't that Zombie John Cho's book collection? (Also side bar: respect.)
I believe Abbie actually said "Amerikan literature," not "American literature," in a subtle homage to Franz Kafka's incomplete novel Amerika. This is what I truly believe.
I think you just wrote Matthew McConaughey's epitaph.
Ah, dang. How did I forget this. :(
mMmMm taters...
The relationship between me and the Subway foot-long veggie patty sub is the most fraught relationship in my life.
One time my GPS told me to drive through Hartford. Instead I smashed my GPS, blew up my car, and walked south until I reached Antarctica, which still wasn't sufficiently far enough away from Hartford.
If The Mindy Project turns my I-should-like-this-and-don't anxiety up to 5, The Pete Holmes Show turns it up to 11.
I genuinely believe I'm most engaged with Victor's illiteracy.
The most engaging story line on this show is my trying to decide which of the fifty concurrent story lines I care about the least.
A houseplant teaches Mark Wahlberg about conservationism.
In context, out of context, the screen-caps for these ree-rees are so A+.
Before Saturday night I'd never heard Janelle Monae's music in my life. It was a good run. I will miss those times.
Today is my birthday. My roommate bought me front row Drake tickets for my birthday. Everything is right with the world. (Lunch = fresh mozzarella sandwich w/ sun-dried tomato & basil mayo.)
I'd pick Guy Fieri, if only to punch him in the face.
Prisoners was too raw. Barely even touched my Buncha Crunch. It was that raw.
The bottle ep where Icks and Abs ransack Urban is inevitable.
Everything. Is. Intentional.
The most jaw-dropping visual in the whole movie was Sandra Bullock in yoga shorts.
Did Norm Macdonald steal this "dream theory" from Emily Nussbaum, or did Emily Nussbaum steal this dream theory from Norm Macdonald? Please say the first one.
Hey, guys, I'm not sure if the Empire site is working, since I can't find circa-2001 Shannyn Sossamon anywhere on this list. Anyone else encountering this problem?
His lair is also perfect for hangover recovery: unlimited blue Gatorade, massage tables, dim lighting, high nap-index furs and blankets, etc.
That style is called "The Witness."
Mantzoukas is the rawest podcaster in the game. The HDTGM Sleepaway Camp episode is the pinnacle of the form.
Hold up. Is cheese considered food?!!?!?!?
Nothing offsets my hatred of children and food like a well-placed Philip Seymour Hoffman in Happiness reference. Movie would for sure win my BMOAT.