
Was that a seal? At first I thought it was a dolphin, but after watching it today, it almost looks like a healthy manatee.
I'm going to yell "Like a waitress!" at my mom during holiday dinners.
Also, way more evidence in this episode that both Lily & Rufus should be nominated for and then awarded the worst parents in the world award. Even I got nauseas when they discussed going to bed earlier... Nasty.
Please don't let there be a random, unnecessary murder in the first few episodes.
Ryan Seacrest smells really bad. Blind people have a heightened sense of smell.
It's too creepy to watch. I can't believe that girl was a willing participant. Maybe Mr. Gormley is her dad. That's even creepier
Little known fact: there are no candy stores in Brooklyn. It looks like next week's issue is all about a teacher and Yale. When will they address the Uncle Jack/Blair/Chuck love triangle properly?
She also does a scary cold medicine ad for people with high blood pressure (like her!)- if you have high blood pressure you could die if you just take any old cold medicine apparently. I think she's cornered the market on fear-based advertising.
Noted. I should probably also warn my grandmother. She doesn't really understand how the internets work.
I am the third. Though I didn't really even realize that he was famous until reading this. I did always wonder how this show is premised on there being so many mysteriously sick people in the greater New Jersey area.
Both Aaron Roses are the worst.
She was sitting in a Chilis waiting for the test results?
Seventhed. The worst in brother-swap-girlfriend-themed movies. Wasn't that movie billed as a comedy? It was not what I signed up for.
I just watched this on dvr last night to clear my mind before the important & historic speeches. But I admit I was temporarily troubled by the fact that the actors playing Jenny & Nate are like 15 and 35 respectively (not confirmed). I have never had reason to investigate the statutory laws of NY state, but is it legal for them to even act like they are a couple?
It feels like they phoned this one in, esp. after last week's perfect 10 of an episode.
The trailer for Smart People was unwatchable. What about Dan In Real Life? Is it ineligible because Dane Cook is in the supporting cast? Does that automatically make the worst? It would have been a train wreck without Dane Cook, for the record.