
General reaction: "Yeah! ... Aw... Pretty cool, I guess..."
Radiohead... on SNL? BLASPHEMY!
You say that now, but I think you secretly miss being hated.
This does sound similar, but not so much as the Nokia commercial does to "VCR".
I'm pretty good at coming in second place, aren't I?
Well... At least this guy's username references The Dismemberment Plan.
Oh my god! JEFF MANGUM is on Stereogum! ... Oh, wait...
Isn't releasing a Christmas album the musical equivalent of shooting oneself in the face with a sawed-off shotgun?
I forgot to put quotations around "autumn", and I capitalized it for no reason! JESUS CHRIST.
I spelled Autumn wrong... Dear God: what have I done?
Sepia tone is rather Autmn, now that I think about it.
Here's to the music industry, folks!
This is one of the strangest articles I've seen on Stereogum.
Jamie xx + Radiohead = coooooool.
That was unexpected.
I never thought it'd be be possible me to not enjoy a Thom Yorke song...
theduchessofthomyorke will forever live on in our hearts...
You so silly! Jimmy Fallon is, too, for that matter.
Unknown Mortal Orchestra kicks ass.
Or some thumbs, I should say.
Ladies and gentlemen, theduchessofthomyorke is back! Let's give him a hand!
Hey man, I listen to Source Tags and Codes, and... Wait... I'm not supposed to admit to being a Pitchfork follower.
It strangely seems as though Chris Martin's lyrics have IMPROVED SLIGHTLY! Jesus Christ. Regarding the song itself, though... Not bad.
At least it's an improvement.
I'm sure you've made your mother proud.
Wilco and Black Eyed Peas in the same headline... What.
If I was clever enough to think of a joke about the album title, I bet it would be VERY FUNNY.
This track is pretty cool, but it's kind of lacking the badassery Justice is known for.
Don't you think Radiohead's already kind of done that? I guess Wilco's now more evidence against the concept of a definite career peak.
This album sounds as if it has transcended genre, and Wilco seems to have as well.
Wait, it's already September? HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
Looks like a crappy industrial band's album cover...
This sounds like a clever ruse to get more thumbs up out of some extreme reverse psychology... I fell for it. You manipulative sonofabitch.
Chris Trash:
For a second, I thought you said you caught them making out.