
The half man eats him to become a whole man finally.
Maybe, just maybe, Kelly, if you had accepted my facebook invite for my Jersey Shore viewing party, you wouldn't be so in the dark about this cultural phenom.
the whomping willow was mentioned in the first book and house elves are generally unseen workers but the one harry met was rogue which introduced them to their universe (everything you mentioned except the tree was based on existing mythology, yes even the sock thing)
Kelly, why are you writing about Harry Potter when you haven't read any of the books?
Also why would Scarface from Half Baked be at a press conference, dressed in his clothes from his burger job? He quit that burger job early in the film and it is now many years later. Did he fall on hard times? How did he get a press pass? You'd think he would change before coming to an event like that... I have many more questions.
The dog has robot legs AND a bandana tied around it's neck?! This is madness! No... this is an outdated POP CULTURE REFEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENCE!
She should change her name to Britney Smears.
In this scene I am carrying my costar Maggie Gyllenhaal, wonderful actress. You notice something different about her, eh? She's a dog now. Body swap movie. It's kind of rude that you didn't notice, she's not that bad! Come on be nice.
Everyone who follows Roger Ebert on Twitter cares about what Roger Ebert has to say about anything, thus is the nature of twitter.
kelly lives in somebody's pocket and only comes out to blog
hi my name is GIField, i hate mondays but i love GIFs
Yeah but what about all the things he chopped in Gladiator? You'd think he would be pro-chop.
You will taste my blade.
Emma Watson, more like Emma HOTson! I'd like to take her out on several dates until I felt the time was right and we were both ready and then I would kiss her, but only after asking!
You don't get to 152 friends without making a few dumb decisions regarding body art.
Sexy Crimes Unit? Don't mind if I do... The sexier the crimes the better, I always say.
well if you've seen the first one you know that it ended with salt and chiwitel ejiofor teaming up so... salt 2: salt and pepper
They should attach a camera to some devil sticks next.
Movie would've been better if at the end of it he turned into a blood god and Wesley Snipes blew him up.
It would be really funny if instead of making jokes about his last name we made jokes about his first name and pretended there was nothing funny about his last name at all. Anthony Weiner more like PANTSthony Weiner... Because he wasn't wearing any!
Five best people: Gabe Kelly Gabe Kelly Donald Glover
Why do lockers have ventilation grates... Is it because nerds kept getting stuffed in them and dying from asphyxiation and they were like, "Well, we can't stop the jocks from shoving them in, but at least we can give them a way to breath!"
I also enjoy that image Kelly used featured Joe Rogan's face basically scratched out as if she was his psycho ex-girlfriend (I know Kelly personally in real life and spoiler alert, she is Joe Rogan's psycho ex-gf! sorry Kel-Kel cat's out of the bag (i let it out because you shouldnt keep cats in bags you crazy!))
Mark Wahlberg who starred in the movie "Fear," in which he fingered Reese Witherspoons on a rollercoaster.
The mark of a good band is how many guys you have on Vocals. The mark of a great band is how many guys you have on vocals that all could be one guy if you didn't know any better.
I'm on the case don't worry Kelly.
can we all just message her the word goop please like with no context or other words just the solitary word goop
I'm gonna propose to my wife by feeding the ring to my dog and then having it poo it out and then telling her to go pick up the poo.
What about the mural that was beneath it? Did he get that guy's permission to paint over it. Kind of dick move, proposal guy.
I would do that but I would just put a random girl's name so hopefully one day a guy would be like hey honey could you go to chase bank for me and she would see it and be so excited and then it would be so awkward that he would have to go through with it.
I just realized the boy's name was Falcon and he was flying in the air but he wasn't. It all makes sense now. I finally get it. Thank you Richard Heene, you're a true American Heene-Ro.