
To be fair, though, Rogen's engagement story is probably the best engagement story.
This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps! (tv edit!)
That was my favorite thing to happen this week. It should be noted that I'm having a terrible week.
Well, what was she supposed to do? NOT post this incredibly embarrassing video? She spent a whole minute and a half recording it!
TOTALLY. Who's ever heard of dressing up as a character from a movie on HALLOWEEN of all days?
My favorite part was the zombie Tommy Wiseau getting off the bus in Hotlanta. I hope his death scene involves someone tearing him apart.
It bothers me that the name order at the top of dvd doesn't match match the order of the animated corpses*. *(get it?! they're OLD and DEAD!)
His Bart Simpson poster brought back a flood of nostalgia from when The Simpsons started to be mediocre. Oh, a couple years ago... sigh!
"Brevard County's hottest tv station is WESH. Nine year old Tokyo pimp Ichi Yakaguro is back with an all-new hotspot that answers the question, 'WHAT?' This station's got everything. Trance. Stilts. Throw up music. An albino that looks like Susan Powter. Kitten bombs." -Stefon