
But why? Surely all that matters is that you love it?
Wow! There are really people who think Victoria Legrand and Sharon Van Etten are hotter than Jenny Lee Lindberg? Jenny is hotter than everyone on this list combined and makes better music than most of them too.
@Raptor - Surely you mean a greatest hits from between the 'three'? Ex-Military is great and Takyon and Guillotine are still two of my favourite Death Grips tracks.
Well at least you're concentrating on what's important.
For the temerity of dissing Alt-J, I shall inflict my surname on yours.
Downvoted for being the token "Downvoted for being the token “You don’t have the thing I like? Your list is irrelevant” comment." comment. Seriously, it's a Best Of list. What else is there to say other than "Hey you didn't have this that I like" or "Hey you had this that I like!" you absolute cretin.
No Alt-J? No Polica? No Death Grips? No respect.
Kitandholly is/are kind of right though. Most of us could give a shit about R&B either. Only 13 year old girls listen to R&B over here.
Totally agree. Alt-J is my favourite of the year, closely followed by Dirty Projectors and after initially disliking the Maccabees album I soon grew to love it. Pitchfork regularly gives British bands a hard time for some reason (Radiohead excepted (but how could they not?)).
Please don't ever make the mistake of thinking that NME represents England in any way, shape or form.
Alt-J's 'An Awesome Wave' and Dirty Projectors' 'Swing Lo...' were a mile ahead of everything else in my opinion (with Polica trailing in a distant third) but I'm going to have to listen to them both a couple more times tomorrow before making my final decision.
This was actually the first CD I ever bought and I didn't even have a CD player! Iwas expecting one for Xmas and the wait til I could play it was agonising. The rap game still needs another Cube. Death Certificate is still his best but not many other hip-hop artists can claim four great albums. Yes, I'm including Lethal Injection. What Can I Do? in particular is vintage Cube and one of his best tracks in my opinion.
I read somewhere that they were the most downloaded band in the world in the week following their 'self-release' but who knows how many would have actually bought it. (I would have).
Finding it hard to disagree.
You really should be able to delete shit when you're shaking with excitement for the weekend and accidentally press the wrong button.
In Rainbows is not their most important or game-changing album, but it is the one I listen to most and love the most so therefore it's their best.
In Rainbows was not as game-changing as some of their other albums but it's the one I listen to and love most which is the only thing that counts. It's not their most import
A factual error? By Tom? In connection with geography? I don't believe it!
A rare Death Grips misstep. Skippable track gets half-arsed video. Disappointing.
Rich, mainstream pop acts filming videos in poverty stricken places to add authenticity to their brand? Ugh, I feel dirty and so should they.
They missed a great chance to have it jizzing the tracklist.
Brandon Flowers thinks that George Bush was a great president and liberals are morons. This means that I couldn't enjoy their music even if it was truly great, but then I am a stubborn git.
Alt-J, Polica and Toy.
If the song wasn't called Jamaica you know fine well Tom would have thought it was Nigeria or something.
Surely making out that you're too cool for a load of bands that other people really like makes you.... well.... kind of a hipster?
Also I have to pick Tom up on a few things with this: "you have to deal with all the moments of deep annoyance and low bitrate to get to the jewels of awesomeness." 1. Why when I can listen to plenty of genuinely good (awesome even) music without those drawbacks? 2. If you're using the word 'awesomeness' in relation to this guy I have to question your suitability to actually criticise music. Enjoy it ironically for a week if you like but awesome? Seriously?
That was a nice try Tom, genuinely. By the end of the article I was almost ready to give Riff Raff a third chance but then you had to go and link to his videos so I got reminded of what his music and rhyming skills (or lack thereof) actually sound like. That, was a bad move.
Her albums tend to be a pretty even mix of great tunes, okay tunes and awful tunes for me. I choose to concentrate on the former but I wish she'd hurry up and make the front-to-back quality album I believe she's got in her.
I've heard quite a few Muse tracks I've disliked just as much as this. I guess the only thing that surprises me is that it's the lead track off the new record. Makes me wonder what horrors lurk on the rest of album?
No pussy ring?
I was going to post a comment about how shit Rick Ross is, but I guess I'll just congratulate all the Ross haters above on their impeccable taste instead.
This is the best Stereogum mix for quite some time in my opinion. Great job!
This is the best video that will come out of this album. It's fan made and is a beautiful thing:
You fucking dumbass. If you read the thread I was replying to the insinuation that Stereogum was so much worse than Pitchfork becasue they like Death Grips.
Any 30 seconds of 212 is better than the rest of her entire output combined.
Yeah, except Death Grips are awesome and Pitchfork gave them a BNM so...
"Not that I know anything about these things". Yeah, we kind of got that after the time you thought Glasgow was Prague, despite the English language shop signs, taxis, and erm, a map of Glasgow featuring in the video.
Team Cerebus member.
If you're gonna criticise The Killing at least make it clear it's the shitty US remake you're referencing as the original is pretty good. Frankly, anyone who is afraid of subtitles deserves all the sub-par TV they get, the phrase "shitty US remake" being as good an example of tautology as there ever was. And I totally appreciate that this seems an overly virulent attack on a throwaway comment but man, this has been the theme of my week. Thanks for letting me vent.
I imagine quite a lot of this video is like what that Miami 'zombie attack' victim felt like. You know, in a good way though.