
Two thoughts: 1. Alison Bechdel did it better. 2. My cousin verrrry recently discovered that eminent domain is a thing because our great-great grandparents (that's TWO greats, guys) are going to be moved to make way for an airport runway. And she is catching the absolute VAPORS about this, all over my facebook page. Next time she posts something angry about how she's being oppressed because our dead ancestors we never knew are being moved, I shall refer her to this post.
Here's what I hate about those books: the heroine purports to be a Swedish Hothead Paisan: hates rape, punishes rapists, revenge fantasy +1. But she is either victimized or protector-ized by every single man in her life. Every single male character has a pages-long inner monologue about how either he wants to protect her from all the scary badness of the world, or how he wants to show her who's boss. Hothead would not approve. Also, seconding the list of Ikea furniture. And the fact that she is always going to 7-11 and describing in detail the convenience food she buys. It would be one thing if that were character development (and I think you can develop a character through their convenience food preferences--In-and-Out Burger, Donny?). But here I think it's because the author is being paid by the word.
Yep, there was a strikeout in that comment when I wrote it (over "single mom" fwiw). Time to back to commentating school.
Beg to differ, little lady.
Ok, so I haven't made it 100% through the thread, so maybe this comes up later--if so, forgive my haste. But there is only one observation about Buffy's coats: she NEVER wears the same one in two episodes. Even when she's a struggling college dropout single mom big sister, working at Doublemeat Palace, I don't think she ever repeats a coat. The girl wore the same tacky crucifix necklace for seven YEARS, and yet she can't keep a coat week to week. Saying.
Nah, not enough aristocratic navel gazing.
May I Leave Flowers? (Since this is apparently all I do on videogum is reference achewood.)
Some even got on the mayor! ( )
I wasn't sure which of these to upvote, so I did both just to make sure.
I do not think I would like to hear that music at all. (It probably sounds like Alby when he brings a man to his room and then has second thoughts, in the first season... Yikes stripes.)
Hey... I *know* that squirrel!:
Herbie Fully assembled in your dorm room. #caltechpranks
Bwahahaha. LOLOL^infinity plus one. This gift keeps on giving. Where to begin? "It's nice to see the guys who majored in Stage Combat getting work." or "The Cold Steel army, preparing for invasion by foodstuffs, rolled-up rugs, the cardboard tubes the rugs came on, brisket, and other refinements. (But not fenceposts. When the fenceposts come calling, you're on your own.)" or "You know what *else* has a very cute point and is awesome on the thrust? This monster right here."
Derjis, click through the link in the Pavement article and you will find a magical alternate world where comments are open.
Wow, Young George Carlin. I never thought I would think "George Carlin" and "sexmuffin" in the same thought. The cognitive dissonance is huge. I... I'm a little grossed out by my boner right now.
AND JUNKS! Every Liefield character is like a type illustration of a melvin.
Nothng funny to add (SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW) but, yes please. We should all be so lucky as to have some krumping 8-year-olds to make us happy in this world.
From a video, I don't get any homeless vs. homeful vibe. The real test would be olfactory. But, the fact that some dude is chilling in the opposite seat when the car is over half empty is indicative. (Either that the man whose home situation are discussing on the internet smells fine, thanks, OR that the bro with the phone camera STINKS.)
I was once elbowed in the eye by a person standing in front of me using his little digital camera to record the entire set. Broke my glasses and gave me my first and so far only shiner. (The reason my eye was in elbowable range is that I had looked down to txt someone about how much fun I was having at the show. So it goes.)
Cecil Adams has more on the hot topic of Napoleon's penis: tl;dr: A (tiny) object has circulated for decades as the famous organ, but there is no evidence that it is Napoleon's, or even a penis.
Oh, can we complain? Just a little? All I want to know is, who's the genius who decided to make the biggest conference in my profession the first week of January, a time of year when left to myself I would prefer to eat some cake and take a nap. /complaining But really, 2011 has been pretty good to me thus far. For example, a lady danced with great joy to a terrible song on a TV show, thus giving that joy to me. Plus, I made what I believe to be my highest-voted comment of all time. Personal best. Hooray for 2011!
THIS is what I get for not being able to log on yesterday (my birthday): my gift from Gabe was right here, and I missed it. I love dance, and Happiness loves dance, and I love Happiness. Thank you, Gabe. Best birthday.
I watched them on vinyl. (You heard me.)
*obseRvation. I am full of chagrin.
I think my aunt may have lived in Racine, Wisconsin, for awhile after her divorce. It makes sense that Anonymous is here, and at :23 no less. But and yes, last obsevation: the audience has choreography. That sometimes *differs* from the kids' choreography. This elementary school Christmas concert gets more and more complicated! They should have just hired John Jacobson, obviously.
This is the saddest thing. :(
Lord Gin The Heart of Dark Rum The Rum Also Rises Catch-22 Oz. At the Mountains of Mad Dog 20 20 Mash (instead of Trash, by Dorothy Allison, oh I give up)
Oh, John. You seduced me with your port de bras and your white, white shoulder rolls. But then you had to go and talk for three minutes with no dancing, and I realized: you talk exactly like a "nice" evangelial preacher with a poorly-fiting front denture. Goodbye, John.
All my upvotes.
Who could downvote this comment? It hertz, I tell ya.
I imagine this spoken by That-One-As-Gabe as Ray Smuckles. I'm done now, I promise. (Am I doing it right?)