
Yeah, when I read the book four years ago, I remember hating that the majority of the book is just killing time in a forest. I mean, I understand that it's probably realistic for them to not just be in a 24/7 wizard battle against a bajillion death eaters, but Jesus, I was getting so sick of just exhausting explanation of what was happening. She should've just written "for about six months Harry has the one ring and it's just like LoTR for a while." and the book would've been half its thickness.
Oh yeah! So, here's something, if when you Expelliarmus a wand out of someone's hand it becomes yours, then why weren't they just trading wands all the fucking time when Harry was leading Dumbledore's Army? Or is only if you're dueling against someone with whom you have malice? PLOT HOLES!
Oddly, this (these) was (were) my favorite movie(s), but it was my least favorite book. It's been since the 7th book was released that I read it, so I didn't notice the (apparently) glaring omissions. But I say A+++ would watch again!
In my theater people just laughed instead of groaning. I had to repeatedly elbow my wife 'cause she was practically cackling at the now "old" (should 37 year olds look like they're fucking decrepit, but still young? It's creepy) heroes.
That Shittles shirt makes me cringe. I mean, I like a t-shirt as much as the next guy who's too lazy to fumble with buttons. And some of my shirts have things on them. But... come the fuck on.
Sorry I didn't elaborate. I have an acute phobia of diesel trucks and my therapist is having me participate in exposure therapy. So while I was shaking hands and playing nice, I was also having an immense panic attack that resulted in my wetting my pants. Awkward.
Something like this just happened to me where I heard the garbage truck come down the street so I threw on a button down shirt (look, it's really hot in Texas, I can't always be wearing shirts) buttoned the top two buttons and ran outside, not expecting to run into any neighbors at noon on a weekday. Instead the neighbor was outside with her old conservative looking father and some other guy, so I have to shake hands and be all polite and respectful while holding the bottom of my shirt closed with my left hand. And I haven't showered today. I guess I'm saying I have to move now.
"Fuck you bitches, we can handle the truth. We are more grownups than you are." - Lt. Daniel Kaffee
Personally, I've never worn a suit for longer than two drinks. I'm incredibly impressed that that man's blazer and tie aren't still wrapped around his abandoned handle of Cuervo.
There's no room for the microwave due to her four walls of convection ovens.
I like how they modified this microwave to hell, but didn't actually explain how microwaves work.
Gabe and Max crosspost
Natalie Portman: The Ugliest Crier since Mark Hamill.
Thanks y'all!
While we're sharing terrifying videos: Also, fuck this Twain video.
Anyone got a link to the full Sheep Animation? I need to cry myself to sleep tonight.
I imagine he's a reverse Superman, running to a phone booth to unzip his fat suit and become a mild-mannered out of work actor.
Did anyone else notice that almost all of the shots that had Kathleen Cloaca Calhoun in them were entirely static (excepting her coming down the stairs, spinning, getting out of a car, and maybe her showing her name badges, but that may have been wind shaking the camera), suggesting that she couldn't find anyone to film and just threw the camera on a tripod? And, really, that's her impressive Hollywood day? We have elevators, clocks, and cupcakes in Texas too, lady.
He sincerely pronounces Wednesday just like I facetiously pronounce Wednesday. He IS my boyfriend!
It's this type of shameless self promotion that I really enjoy. Love these guys!
This is the most I've seen of Two and a Half Men. Is it all this good?
"Join me and together we will freak the fuck out of everyone in the galaxy."
I didn't notice the first time, but you're totally right.
Oh, here you go, Gabe, one of several five hour long StarCraft matches with the same dude. You're welcome.
The song at the end is the best. It's not exactly what Gabe was talking about, but in South Korea where StarCraft is the national sport, there're two or three designated StarCraft TV channels that just play commentated video of StarCraft matches. Even stranger, you, in America, can pay to see seasons of the South Korean Pre-Season and Seaon matches commentated in English. Even stranger, I know people who pay for it. I mean, if it's your thing, it's no stranger than Pay-Per-View sports, but, man that just sounds so boring.
The only thing I learned from this video is that Ninjas have cats, love Sunny D, and do a lot of laundry.
You ant seen nothing yet!
You should see the other side of his face. A mole the size of a human heart.